
Sacred Portal 87.

Sacred Portal 87.

my 15 39 Facebook Friend…

Whom I believe is Female.

is Larazo ( La zaro .. very clever sneaky) Dorado was born 9-11-1987.

What happened during 9 11? The Twin Towers destroyed Emeka Jon AH. 1999. What is 9 11… I K.. and I A-A. So it was more a Voodoo play of the Spirit realm aware that that to effect the portal rep in this reality via the Spirit World… Ancestors as Death.. not the living ancestors who are here present since there is no such things as Death as the End- only transformation. So they used the Zombies- Living dead- the people in this world who base everything on the physical and the material and blame and false accusation while the culprits in the Spirit World played their own game knowing that the twin towers represented the line of the TWO K Twin Towers. A E and now as Emeka Tree E T.

Extra Terrestrials… oh yes Area 51… there is no smoke without Fire… Evolved Beings E B 52 is are of course present and many even here are aware. And a welcoming committee had been planed, using fear.

Emeka Kim.

E K.

Emeka Jeron.

E J.

Emeka Stephen.

E S P..

Emeka Arden – Robert Alexander 18 Alexander Grove AG where I was born.



Earth is fueled by sexual energy, penetration, and pleasure OH AH Orgasms… Splurge Release Immaculate conception Sex.

To destroy Creation as SeX what would you do…?

Pervert it beyond recognition.

Sex Magic.



Kundalini Rising .. K R- A F T…

See Book 3 of my sacred Portals

Book of Sex And Desire. S A D…

of course the Twin Towers. 9-11-2001…

I A A…200 +1 21 2021 Jan.

I K…

I Kim.

I Know.

I Knowledge

I Gold

And what did the Evil Annunaki really humans as virus who accused the Annunaki and Nephilim, ( A N/ NA N A NA) of that which they really are, the transformed in their version timeline, humans into a slave to mine them for Gold.

And what do Natural Humans have of such worth and value?

Why did Christopher Columbus. Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand,

the reason for the scramble to partition Africa…

Why was Ghana called the Gold Coast.. G C 7 3… 5-20-73?

They had Gold.

but for the Human Virus living in the illusion of the Spirit realm the power was not the end product as Gold but that humans as Naturals have the Golden Ratio in them that Spiral and Free Masson 33 degree are builders who create miraculous feats. So do certain human naturals.

They have the secret to perfection and the Fibonacci Sequence F S, and when they create even without knowing they reveal the literal secrets of creation and existence.. and even the Identity to the Two.

the Twin Sources of power hidden undercover in human Avatars Descendants of the Beautiful Ones.

So yes see the line of J S


Alien Father.

/ F A Ferrell as Me and Arden

They were spirited away but not by an Evil Fairy God Mother, but to a realm to protect the two lines of power original reps of the sources of the Particle and Wave in 1 1 until the World Peoples P W came back to thier senses. and universal sensei’s

Eternal Law

IP Man Bruce Lee.

Protected from the character called the Great Spider Witch weaver by the mother of God.

Mary and Martha.


Mari O Brothers.

the true spider is our line Super man and Spider Man.

Kael and Peter Parker.

K A E L… K A E Q… K A E C… H Q.

Peter Parker P P 16 16 Zion Arden… 1 32… 1 5 / 5 1

33… 6…32 +x = 56.

11 1 as two.

10:45 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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