
Sacred Portal 76.

Sacred Portal 76.

This is what came as 76 do you see the 22 in the corner…?

See Sacred portal 22.

I had already achieved SP 22 by doing it alone. in the Eternal Begining, In Creation as Time.

And alone in this world for 43 years until reacing Arden

I was * recognized the phot of Arden age 9 before we every met and when we met… he was 16 and recogized M E instantly without awakened memmory but Awareness First Sight, then by Muscle memory and the First Contact enacted out in perfection by him

8:50 pm.

H E F.

Harmony Infinity 8 Eternal Family.

8:51 pm

H @ E-A

1 who is 3.

1 +2= 3

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