
Sacred Portal 72…

Sacred Portal 72…


K G B… Green Point Brooklyn…

11 7 2… Face Book Friends where I am right now…


No Ones Slave..

Nor Do I enslave others with guile Words and then Denial

spinning Webs of Deception Manipulation, Threats Rage.. to get my way…

I give Choice and Freewill..

To chose even to go out of Existence…

which is cool with me, because it means it was not real,

Remorse and making amends is the way..

If there is no remorse..as I stated to you Victoria Jacksonand Kelsie Bissell Destroy them by cutting them out with a thought and echo to them their secret Reflections… Their hidden Agenda to Rule over others and let that be their prison until they are decomposed and no more…

No one is a possession..

I am a Free Man..

I chose each portal I passed through even though I saw that I had been manipulated and deceived given the illusion that that was the only portal available to me…

I went along to see why they dared to do this to my body my being..

why they would dare use me like this…

So I came through 55 56.. 57 Portals in quiet rage and fury…

Incredulous that people had been allowed to go that far.. that they can not only rape and torture the True Messengers but even those few who would deny test challenge the Source after his providing Evidence Facts which many did not read or take seriously because there was no power they felt to silence their big mouths…

Even to me, in my presence and to my face…

So I respond… at last…

9:53 p.m.

With this play script they created and I obeyed having reached its End…

No Forgiveness for the Human Race.. The False Accusers Manipulators – Flip Switch Artists and those Abomination who lie i weight with a Grudge…

I R E .. LAND!

9:56 p.m.

Even now even now.. you would insult my Expression Sharing Friendship to the very End…

Beyond Belief…

but a Supreme Fact…

S F..

Solid Fact

Proven True,


9:57 p.m..


9:58 brings the Hell Fire of All Ages…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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