
Sacred Portal 7

Sacred Portal 7

I Guard it’s Gate

Seventh Seal

Seven Headed Ray

4 Horse Men H.M

Of the Apocalypse


7 4

11 28.

39. 12

Liberty C Liscomb


She is proven to be 8 at Harmony

But she went down to 7 for Loves Truth

He Sings!

Thomas Lang



John Thomas

Captain America

American Men are led by thier

D I C K. E

Harmony 8 7.

87 69

Harmony is Graciousness Love

A Caroline. Afulenu..

Therese Ijeoma


St Theresa of Avile

Extase Bliss.

See I know she went down from 8 H

To bring back her Laugher, her Twin

T J.

Son. Brother Father Companion Friend Lover

Her C of Men

I decide who leaves


P. And Ora-Cle..

Divine Seers

1:44 a.m

SO tired

I wake up and start working posting

While my old life crumbled like a wall

Revealing more and more

My true Idenity

And yours

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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