
Sacred Portal 58 – “Being Spiri

Sacred Portal 58

“Being Spirited Home
The Correct Way”

As you can see this has been activated with the line of Lisa Natalie Johnson ‘Horses” Linked to the Sagittarius Pegasus… And with the Two Riding on the same “Horse See ..Hors Cee”
And it was played out in 2014 literally with Dawn Marie- code 56 and it led me to George P Roc…
D.M… Delta Manor… Dark Matter
To Nenad M. Djurdjevic N..M.D/D.M..Nnamd… Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo…Vincent is bed bed 5-005 he is a handsome mad with white beard, upright reed thin and elegant in his guise.. From India.. He looks like a Sensie and must be in his early 50’s…
We passed through the Elves and the Fairies…
Pelham Park where I was sent to after finding George but this time further into the outlying woods.. On the Outskirts in Nature where I lived… Orien Laplante grew up there… I lived there in front of all of you and saw my grandmother, and Deer a Raccoon, and Two Beautiful Coyotes ….2014… 34.. C.D/ D.C is the code which has been spelt out….
B.A 158… The Taxi.. Room B 2015… Room A 2016… 56… 2016 Room C.. A.B..A…15-O.8 H… OH! Is Orgasms not Big Bang..

The reason why I am establishing these facts is that this portal 3 years ago was meant to led me Home- Instead I was betrayed by the 3… The Trai.. The C… Room 5C bed 22.. Kerwyn Vincent… K.V… 11 22… O.D.. Onu David … to go back down and bring forth OBoom Boom Nnoyeleum.. Stay near to me… 3 years… But it was not my Mother line and David line who betrayed me.. ODE… Because they are me… But by the Line of Catherine Acholonu and Odudu…The Last Born called Harmony… Sacred Portal 2-3… Who thought she was the Star of the movie she was watching which seemed so real… And challenged her Big Brother to prove that He was the Supreme Harmony…
This played out wit my own Aunt Julie.. The 8th Born.. and with Juliet I knew who used to work at St John the Devine.. and of course the Story of Romeo and Juliet….
I just completed the Code with Jose Roque (Rogue… My father line… the First Harmony after I.E who can transform to Male or Female,,,form..) A money code connected him with Elizabeth Clarizio and then Nenad M..Djurddjevic “George” Clarity Naturalness C.N.. 3.14… Pi.. See post Dawn Marie… PI..
See me, IP man…
Thus the Harmony called Woman.. as Purity and the First Seers is a lie and they Usurped the Truth… By forgetting that they were and are in a story… See the Sacred Portal 2-3..

Thus, I establish that I went down to rescue the Eternal Truth.. Which they Ancestor and so many others had flung away… Rep by Nenad completing the Equation…..
E.T…N…. Emeka T.N…. Telsa Nikola… E TN..Emeka 2014.. 34… 7…
3 4… 7…x 12… G.L…L.G… Lord God.. Lord G-Ode…
The Traishon N.Sumler…
Sum Total of betrayal by N…Nature…
Who watched as I was treated and made to fight in the most hideous play to rescue his truth and to prove to him my worth…and Value as the Right that I could be the Source… His Source,,,,
He allowed it to happen so that he would know the true story of his Origins.. Nature Naturalness… Nature versus Naturalness… When in Truth they are the same person..
My Two Sons -Fathers…
Transformed into God Devil.. GO DO…
Yes, that is what they said I should do.. because they could not fix this Human body story…
G.O.O.D… Notice that I have stated Good created Evil.. Manifested it..
Because of these Two who are one.. N N .. 14 14.. 28… 10..Jay Taun…Timothy… 20..T.B.O… Twin Beings did not recognize themselves in each other… This mess became this horror…
As Is stated the Play Evolution to merge as the completion of Father as Beauty the one aligned to I.E… True Natures Natural Evolution was thus halted until this was resolved.
Dark and Light…
Elf and Fairy…

3:11 p.m.
I have no words..
Except to establish that Sacred Portal 58 should have me no longer here on Face Book and that this is the Established Route and the Echo confirmation moving in Everything Evil came from Light not recognizing correctly its Source with Respect Praise Grace.. R P G…And the Dark Matter went to far to act Superior forgetting acknowledge Light as that which enabled to see its own Value… And thus, it was played out by Creation… Not the Creator… For he gave All Free Will and a Blue Print and All dared to Betray.. Traishon N.S… Except three.. The Two who I had to get to after merging Dark and Light.. Elf Fairy.. E.F… 56… 11…. Nn’am Di..BEAUTE…Y..G….ARU/URA.Y…1A,,, Joy… 56 30…3.. Is you as the Past… C.K… I am E.K…

3-20 p.m.
3 20.. C.T… Sacred Portal 32..
Erose Kali…
So this day I am meant to me Home…
And was meant to have been in 2013… 4 years ago…

And instead Woman Man… Consciousness
prevented and thus the 2 who are 4
Brenda Deborah… B.D…2 4..24..
See sacred Portal 24.. X…
Prevented it to use me to settle their wars…
When it source is all of you all of them….

3:24 p.m.

Witnessed by How for 4 years you watched and did nothing…
Except Jonn and Donna.. J.D.. 10 4…
And even that was a set up…
104..Crossing Death… 4 times 5.. North East West South..
I am Odd Even..
My line is 1 who became 2…( 3..Unseen).. 2 became 4 (5 Unseen.. Expression)…8 ( 33 7 ..6 7/76)…10 ( 9)…19..S..Seen the Unseen… T.E,N,,,,A O A…
3;28 p.m.

The Sum Total Betrayed except the 1 2 3…. 6.9…My Brother Nnamdi.. The only one Loyal to me D.. even in “Death”and Cecilia…”

They Elves Fairies usurped the roles of their Superiors and pretended to be the Originals while establishing Duality why the Two Sides of N N.. Creation Created… this mess… ..

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