
Sacred Portal 51.

Sacred Portal 51.

E A.

And this is when I met Arden at age code 51 he 16.

Sex God of Creation.

At the P E A K.

at the same time at 67/ 76.

Ferrill Gemino. F G.. 67 really moi.

NZ 67 67 46 B my social security and / B 64 64th move. 76 76 = 1-A Z N Nnamdi Zion Arden-NZ A.


Lazaro Z-A.O

La R-A.Z O….

Lazaro Lazarus the correct equation OA Z …

Athena Olympe / Olympe At HE N A.

Sneaky play… Cheats.

Lazaro – Lazarus Dorado.

raised the dead

S P 99 The Dead Deed. sp 99.

That is why it is important to be aware.

and vigilant.

Knowing where you are going, and what is not correct.


is knowing already the Point.

8:15 pm/

L D = 16 and that was done already when i met Zion ( Jesse Maccias Orejula’s son- self age 16 and Arden immediately after, age 16.

Z – A.

A Z – A. 1-26+1. is a full cirlce + 1

27… 9. not 28 that is already moi in Being B=2.


22 7-8

1 15..


Alpha Omega.

A F.

E:A F K G.= 25 Y. B E…5 months in the womb when I met Jeron at 29 Lincoln Street. d o b 2-25 -2019.

E: B Y T S The Source C I.

8:20 pm

H T.

H O T actually.

Harmony at O T. 15 20 Facebook friends.

@ 900 South Road

Poverty Hollow where i met Arden,

and then forced to do it again with kim who was is the past portal of Nnamdi Naturally N N = 1 A to Arden.

I could not have reached Arden if Kim Benjamin did not exist already smh

E is A.

E A -A


E O Full Circle.

E B 5 2.

So now at 5 3

E AAA at the same time recall the codes on he toy castle from jeron it was the number 53. at 900 South road.

I had reached Aurelia and Jaden 8-29-2019.

H -B.I…T S.


Square Waves gift came too late Africa Shamans Witches warlocks Black and White lies meddling.

8:29 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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