
Sacred Portal 39 ( C.I)

Sacred Portal 39 ( C.I)

The GATE way of the Twin Towers

New Boon!

Male Female… M F… = 19…S…

Man Woman.. MW…36…C .F…

MW87… MW69…


With the two Seers of Life And Death Destruction..


Star Wars 39 Years..

Portal out of holographic universe of Fear and into Ga la X Y..Z..C.I..1O 11 X..T.E.N…

The Portals are Star Dust and Adam.. People are the Portal their love for you or seeing you and you seeing them clearly Truth Love passes you through the portal in Space Ethereal and Nature Elemental as well as Consciousness of this World they represent and finally, their Divine Truth and Human Expression.

Reps Rays McKayla John Mack 3rd Floor The Twin Seers..

Tree Sage/Sosa.. Johnny Newman…2nd Floor.

Kim ( AU… Arinze Umeano ) Au is Gold..)

Ag is Silver…

Alexander 1st Floor…

Link at 29… Stephen Filgueria.. Esteban Miguel Filgueira

and Christopher Filgueira @ North End…

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