
Sacred Portal 33m

Sacred Portal 33m

This has been happening to me privately for the last 17 years.

But not in the correct translation of what I proofed it represented an Energetic Representation

Of E S P. TM…

Perfect Timing

But as Geoff Lacour wrote in 2004 that the Pointy toothed King Demon he saw in me he called Sex

The Evil Done to Sex and Creation

And so instead a Horror comes to me and does…. things I can never speak of to me..

And each night I want to Scream out

This is Impossible..

After 17 yrs, I had to admit this force and what it has been able to do to me, literal rise and twist turn toss and..

That is what was done to my I.D.

A Terrible Dream

The Impossible to believe Night Mare

Done to a Man.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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