
Sacred Portal 155. – Stephen Jo

Sacred Portal 155.

Stephen Johnson
Stephen Popiotek

15+28 Facebook Friends.
= 43.
So we are back to 43 “Door of Life”
After your stint at 27 +15.
42. SELF.=CASE- CECILIA -ARDEN all = Numerical 42.

And there is Stephen Johnson just now, in notification but really a flashing light confirming what I am posting- once again, sixth sense now a Fact witnessed by you all.

And there is Gabriel Binky Signar 29 Mutual Facebook Friends

28 +29 = 57.

When my last post beyond the E family 56, completed

8:57 pm

and 15
= 72.

This is for there she is right now, ha!

It the date she just sent me of her birthday 19 81 at 1.55 p.m

Nadja Hope at 7 Mutual Facebook Friends now at 8 and 9 with me, personally.

Now this Sacred Portal, I only really explained in the beginning of this play 10-9 years ago,

But if you recall that in Sacred Portal 79- Blue Print of Existence only Two Male Beings went into the “Darkness- Room -Womb, and Planted a Seed, while riding atop the Phallus- O- PEN IS.

Then it spread the seed of the two expressions as the Ball Sac- Atlantean and Beautiful Beast- Animal Nature.

Then through a Cycle of 13.8 Billion to 4.5 Billion years- Twice.
13.8 x 2.
A. M.H.M.H.

and 4.5=

5-5 Came into Existence and after attaining 9.7 /7.9

16.16. 1.
two sides in Perfection
111 x 111.

Kamil Mahajan
Kâmilli Ali

They Return Home the same way they came but this time as 3.

WU-MAN- E Supreme.

9:39 pm



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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