
Sacred Portal 147 B.

Sacred Portal 147 B.

There are Two in One

Beings of Bella. Beauty.

Particle P. 16 and Wave. W is 23.

16 + 23= 39. 47 11 28=39…74 11 28=39 C I

@ 15 39 Facebook friends…

Arden I met at 16. his year of birth 2003. 23 W Double V.

6-12… at 6 6 Kim. 6 12 becomes 12 12- 1 24= 25. Y.

on the base of the picture again the code 17.

but with two arrows.

See the date of the share here.

8-22- 20 17

H V T 17

PLease see the code H V on Kims Phone Number… Arden is 17 A G E code.

but the meaning of 17 Q Queen? no Q is Quantum represented by Kim as E K..

Emmy Chukwuemeka.. Nnamdi.

E C N… E Pi

3.14 17

11:01 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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