
Sacred Portal 124.

Sacred Portal 124.

12 4..


Lifes Death..

Played out with Alexa Vertefeuille her Highest Espirit and I today ..

Code 12 4..

Do you see the Cosmic Black Panther in the back ground…?

I .E. have no interest in those who do not learn through Love and Desires

But only through the power to bring them Pain and Suffering..

Give them what they asked for…

Extinction …through true suffering savagery and violence…

11 22 p.m.

Mother of Dragons

Cecilia Onuaabuchi

11 22 47…

David Roman Nicholas

11 22 68..

Dragons of Existence..

Let us show that this is not a video game


No remorse

Not regret

No responsibility

Let us show you rage..

Beyond Nome Alaska

The 4th Kind


1 14

Grant Moor..

I am R A G E. Beautifully Justified

R. J.B…

11 26 p.m

No I do not forgive ..

Those who do not make amends..

Kill Them All..

Let only the a true and Loyal rise!

11:27 p.m

Yes J M A line

Truth Love

And Consequence




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