
Sacred Portal 104.

Sacred Portal 104.

The New Manager at Starbucks whom I said is an Avatar of Erek The Red..

V.I…King of Sixth Sense


I knew that he and I were meant to have an interaction

I felt his E-Spirit Aware of me..

As I was aware of him…

But for the days he never served me coffee

but I felt as if his E-Spiri was waiting for me..

Today he finaly served me my refill as I completed the last Equation of the portal Donald Trump and Korea’s Kim Jong-Un…

You see, I am earning the right to each portal..

The last one was Alien Father Alpha… 1 6 1….

AHA… 1 8 1..

Sacred Portal 19…( 149)

First yet another new employee of Starbucks, a young black kid whose energy I also knew, I had met him his first day when a woman criticized the way he served me…

It turned out to be his mother…

I did not see him again until today…

He served me the cup with the number 541… EDA…

My gettiing the expression of and quatum equation through words on my post in response to undertanding his riddle is what would enable me to advance to the next portal…

I completed that post in front of you all…

And so that is when I was ready and the young man was ready who was dressed all in black with a Hoodie, with Bootiful on it and his head in Samurai head gear reminiscent of the David Erek line when Angry and ready for war…

I we spoke briefly, I was curt…not rude…

He has a voice like mine storng booming..

Hansome pale…

104 was the number on the coffee…

I had earned it at last…

Alien Father Alpha’s portal..

I had proved that I am the First and his Source

By going beyond him..

Dawn Piercy you and others watched the play…

But I know you did…

See the code

Unanimous Decision..

Deatth Disease Destruction… D D D


Come Pass me Declares Terrible Death… ( T.D… Terrible Dream… this reality which people.. so many people have dared to accept as their te real world and Normal It is what is?


I have a response…

11:09 p.M.


11:10 p.m

See the number on the Corner…

I had only 14 usd left after buying some soup…

That is part of th eplay of perfect sixth sense and earning

Alien Consciounsess… Being able to know without knowing…

Naturalness and Awareness..

Dwayne was there when I went into the backyard..

Bed 5-013.. E O M../ Meaning Of Existence…

42? Power..

David Powers


Dignifed Pride… I liked his post.

Pierre David… Rock Stone of the Beloved

Which is why I kept tagging Dawn Piercy.

D P… 4 16… 4 4 4 4…16.. 4+16.. 20…

On my coffee cup today there was the number 1620 which is the one constant… an below 17..

Dwayne is who I get my Candy from but was not around after Rey gave me a big gift of Weed then left the Shelter soon after…

You recall Rey…

Then there was the play with Nicholas W… N D.V…

For me to pass through the Portal of the Victorious People…

and prove them not so…and pass through

That was the play of the Weed for my pain..

which he siezed the opportunity to deny me it when he felt that he had power over it despite my having ordered it and was paying for it..

I but only very small amounts…

In Nigeria they call it Igbo which is the same name as the Igbo Pople…

Uwa People… People from outside of OINRI culture,,,, though all are part of it including the western world…

But the first thing I said to Dwayne was Ah I have been looking for you

and he said… And I have something for me…

I had fourteen usd..

104… 1O4.. 14…N….Sacred Portal 14..Evolution of Consciousness

11:22 p.m.

I was pissed off but quiet as I left the Chinese Take a way where I had already bought a small Wonton suit..

I do not concern myself with the codes of the play..

I just do what I naturally do, aware that I on a budget and that I loathe asking or taking money from anyone despite it all being part of the script,

though easier with Joseph Carey… it still Irks me..

I am who I am this is what Elizabeths Clarizio question as to why I was so angry irked and stunned me…

I am tired of being insulted by people in the shelter, in a cafe Starbucks,

reading about horrors abominations, listening to the arrogance of the Disease and even its Source Expression moving throug the person Edwin Dominic, aware of my presence but so so arrogant…

Having endured day and night to my face this insult and being helpless to do anything except call it out in my Human self and rising to the Frequency Rage and Quiet of each sacred portal… earning each one in a play designed to raise my rage .. but to carry it undercover in a shelter.. ?

While posting day after day, solving linking, weaving the Unseen

influencing all reality… Moving it to the Beautiful Truth and witnessing the ingratitude, the Balls, the ascertions.. the lies…

To my face..

Contained by this Script…

Times Up..


Golden Globes was on…

I had moved through all these portal silently…

My coffee spilt at Dwaynes feet…

Ah your coffee…… it is of no matter.. I said…

He went upstairs…

I knew why the coffee code 104 spilled at his feet after I had heated it up in the micro wave cleaned by a Black looking China Man who stayed in the Cafteria sometimes all night, refusing to sleep in his bed to remind him he said that this was not his home..the bed upstairs was not his bed and could be taken away…

He asked for a bamboo.. I gave him a rolling paper..

Thank you he said… I had passed through his portal or the test which Father had set up for me through him… to discipline but with the correct touch to prove myself Universal Sensie…

I was only aware of the tests through the corner of my mind…

I am being me and I despise this play and do as much as I can to shy away from looking at it..

Seeing its truth.. the depth of the Insult…

During the day, I can pretend or enter the role of the character the invisible containment suit which the circumstances and conditions allowed me to exist in, containing not only all the aspects of me..my true self..

But even Emeka the man who would never tolerate this…

Such rage to contain.. such fury of allowing a script and the awareness of your Unseen Famiies.. of the Betryal..of doing it thier way.. the incorrect way.. intentionaly to fuel my Anger…

My body screams out… shifting 24/7..

No sleep no rest…

16 Years…

16… Months here.

Dawayne.. I only can give you 4 usd…

can you give me something for that..?

Sure he said…

The first time I saw Dwayne who is so thin and so dark and actually looks like an Alien of the TV world imagination.. so so thin..

I said he is a walking Sleleton and corpse.. Not as an insult but identifying the Avatar, the Character….

He went up stairs and I smoked a cig and cooled of in the Artic Freeze…


I went upstair and Blair Andrews made space for me and I sat beside him..

He was the one I had seen when I left earlier.. he had called me something which I then asked him what he had said…

He did not recall.. I would remember he said…

You have a Big Brain…

He did not… remember ..

I did.. that was the name he had called me…

11:45 p.m

See the date of this was posted 29… 20 17… 2 17… 19.. S… 10…

Ehsan Hadi Altaai EA

Yvonne Beckenbauer Jaeger..

J E.A. J..A. B.H… Y.E…

See the Golden Globes… the Brief case they are holding it has the letter E.Y.

There is a Dwayne now, a new guy very quiet..

Thin very thin not as much as Dwayne 4-013…but slim enough and perhaps the same age..

He kept saying Bam! Today as I called out the Hypocrisy in the Room and the promise to respond to each and every one of them..

But especially bed 47… Edwin Dominic.. Whom I had told you will fallwith Donald Trump and you are the one here who even the Human Avatar, I would enjoy Its End…

I did not include Hector 4-010 or Ishamel 4-011 or Paul 4-001.. or the three new men in the room.. beds 4-009…4-005.. And Dwayne in 4-003.. D O O C… D O C…/C O D .. Cloak Of Death…E… C O D E S..

D.C… Yes… defeating the powers behind and within Washington D.C

43. Door of Life…E…

Dwayne 5-013… M O E… M O A C… M A.C…/ C A.M… I D E..

D D… 4 4…Sacred Portal 44. 44 44 44… 44…8 8 8 8…4-8.. 4-9…

D.I… E…

S,P 49…

E .. I.D.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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