
Response from Existence to my Long Equation of proof in my last post yesterday as to who is really Father and who is the son..

Response from Existence to my Long Equation of proof in my last post yesterday as to who is really Father and who is the son..


I would like to Welcome my 160 Face Book friend.

Chaynna Colon.


2 C….O..the Source.

Come Clean…C.C.

The meaning of Chaynna; the only meaning I found is as a deravitive of Chayann…

Which is an American Indian name meaning;

unintelligible speaker or Dog.

An unintelligible speaker of course would mean not that it is not intelligent but intelligible to humans

(a different language)

but can be understood…

thus of the animal world like a Dog.


The Language of Nature.

In Hebrew it means Life.

Colon means Dove.

Colon is also is the Large intestine…the Great Serpent.

Colon are punctuation marks (snake bite Venom can be a cure or a poison).

The Colon absorbs water and salt (Ocean) and stores feaces…Toxins to be evacuated.

Evil and shitty expressions.

160 F.B.f…is 28 (88)…

* see yesterdays post loooonnng equation of 2 Harmonies…The twins Father son…Friend Brother.


B.H…is P.

Being in Harmony is the meaning of Pride…like a Pride of Lions or Elephants.

P represents in my codes Planet.

Chay Nna…In my code is

C Harmony Aye Nna.

Consciousness of Harmony Agrees with Father.

Nna in Nri Igbo means Father.

Nnamdi Obiekwe..

The Heart of Father Agrees.

or C Ha Y Nna..

See Ha! Why he is Father


Thus, Full Equation:

The Unintelligble speakers the representatives of Nature and Life agree with the Consciousness of Father…

The Dove of Peace.

Now Ha! You see why he is the Father


…and the Great Encircling Serpent (Jormungdr) has digested this truth and taken it in…into Existence and expells the Evil Toxins.

The Shit talkers and bites all test all…the pure get the cure the wucked get the venom.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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