
Ready Player One.

Ready Player One.

B.O 55 Man 69.

That is the password which was given to the girl Artie.

41 F. Is the code in the chamber she was forced to

D.A. F…


This is the Play I stated that we are in

As did Kyle Murphy.. who I contacted earlier only to discover that he had a dream where I was in it which he will recount to me tomorrow

That the Universal Simulation moved through time -history.

The Game was the Enders Game

E.G. 5 7.

R P O.


Easter Egg.


Nnamdi born on Easter

Christopher Filgueira spoke about the Island.

D.A. Filgueria code

The Maze

Is this world.

Please see back posts on the evidence of this entire play was perverted into these expressions though the correct story it is the perversion of the Original

20 is T.

2 O…

55.. E E.. the knife at Flora Rest.

MAN.. N NA M DI/ I.D.. MAN…N..E.

101 is the number of Bed at Delta Manor where the challenge took place

Every One is a number..

A Room Beds all are based on numbers


Is what the company IOI wear- not 101

So it is not a Binary System..

The Matrix Web is really a Simullation

Steven Spielberg

S S.

Code players Descendant Avatars

D.A…Fil Gueria… Line Thread of the Warriors of Awareness Memory.

Stephen Filgueira

Sarah Kaizer.

Last play 14…15…

14 th state, on the 15th.

C 14 15…Pi.


That is the play of Evolution Awakening I have been in but the true version.

As well as simultaneously being Pans Labyrinth

3:09 p.m



3:10 p.m


3;11 p.m


That is the Video Game I have had to play while proving Evolution. Awakening by using posts, perfect timing and the true Descendant Avatars of E

The Children of the Two Men N N.

D D.

The E

E.E. E.

3:13 a m.


C.Me 4/3

3:14 a.m.


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