
Rajiya Talib R T…

Rajiya Talib R T…

Excellent Healer

( Maduabuchi Henry Excellent)

Nicola Robinson..




R E N… EE….

T H R… E E…

Rebirth of the 3… Sacred Portal 76 The 123 CockSure of The First Dawn Awakening…

Dear lord… I am still solving… !


I am tagging each of you because you represent the end of an equation which I have been solving 25 years consciously.

I began working on it in 1989, but it was not something which was for the public.

It was a private quest to understand the nature of People and their interactions which each other.

And why I could see them beautiful but they could no longer see it in themselves or in others- which created a terrible conflict and interaction which could be sumed up as War….

But it was not warring with each other as it would seem but rather with themselves and the Demons in their heads created by the unnatural expressions of which Humanity had begun to accept as the Nature of Reality and Existence.

Especially in the notion of God and Knowledge…

Nature and Spirituality… True Nature.

The illusion of Not Knowing.

And my discovering, finding myself being literally called and then bound to investiage it based on my own life circumstances of being Held and Bound in Solitude and Isolation…

Talking to the Silence and being bound to it no matter how much I fought it, fought to live a Life which I knew was one of Celebration and Naturalness and not of an investagtion int the Nature of this reality which ended up with my fnding myself solving and proving that we are at the Evolution of Consciousness. Which manifested within my body by being forced into an isolation which of course, caused me to fight it and investigate it which of course, caused my Consciousess to rise and steer me further and further away from the this collective percepton and agreement of how to see and navagte reality.

And so like a ctach 22, I found myself fighting, to live my life and at the same time raising my vibration and thus my Awareness memory of that which I was convinced every one possessed.. the Knowing.. and the memory of the Eternal Realm…

Which to my stupification I rose to full memory of ( I never really forgot but was content to live here and find the E family, knowing that even that play was all in Harmony…)

and then my body rising but placed in conflict with the frequency of this Dimension.

I could easlily adapt to this reality, but I was not allowed to…

( Which is where my incredulity set in, even with full awakened memroy… the idea that something had interfered with universal Law… Almost as if it had been completly wiped out so that it could be rebulit again, explained from the grond up and proven empiriacally thrugh the age of reason.

Meaning to do such an act would means negating the Truth of Existence- and placing a Play in a Non Existence Realm which one might call ZERO or Nothingness…

Such a realm of course does not exist, but it can temporarily exist if memory of all is wiped out…

With the One Truth who rose in the Eternal Begininng forced to rise from the natural consequence of it Naturalness of simply being that first Expression.

I can not even begin to explain the true implications of such an action.. to find the Truth.

So I will not…

The entire truth of that Impossibility it revealed in te 6 years Script of which the experience took place…

1:43 A.M…

I had better stop… because this E-Spirit in me.. will not.. and I have had enough…

1 44 am.

See the code on the one Dollar Bill of Leland Johnson 100 usd bill…

L.B.144 29 855 V.

Nicola Robinson…

K.C… Serial number C..64 79 93 07 C…

1;47 p.m…

See sacred portal 147…a b…

1:48 P.M…

see sacred portal 148… the Three 147.. A B B… in one…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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