




Freedom of Speech…

Anne Coultler A.C Had a Right to speak….

This is what Democracy is about…

When the Democratic process refuses to let the other voices of the Nation to speak, does that not smack of Bullying…

Where is the Democratic Process.. D.P..?

Does it not cease to exist and have no right to bear that name…


We defeat the most seemingly venomous expression with Reason…

Reason is the Democratic process,

not shouting the down.

Abe Rose was delighted with my response when he asked me about President Donald Trump.

He is a perfect reflection and Mirror of the American People..

at least what I have observed and documented for the last 16 years.

He jumped up jubilant Yes best answer I have heard

He was outraged at how the Republicans are being treated as a Voice.

I do not agree with many of the things the Republicans say…

But that is because of the same Values of the Animation

Happy Feet…H.F… The fear of the Unknown, the fear of Evolving…

And so they stay conservative to protect the values and the way of life which gave them the illusion of Supremacy…

But I find that at least most of them who are die hard are Honest in at least why they are Republicans and what they believe in.

Despite it being based Fear and Ignorance… but by identifying that illness, the disease it can be treated..

But the Democracy which has become Hypocrisy- that refusal to take into consideration that Donald Trump is a reflection of All Americans… to some degree because he was Elected.

And should be given at least the Respect of his office and the people who elected him.

Just as I do not agree with the Le Penn movement and coming into power, the world has to be honest with itself and take a look Itself in the mirror…

This is the Face of America… It is Donald Trump, and he had now been in office for 100 days.

This is who is America and instead of people getting angry and becoming so vile, they should examine the illness in the American People rather than screaming bloody murder because they did not get the Face which they thought the deserved…

Hilary Clinton?


Please look at how the American people treat each other,

in stores, to even donate Blood they are rude to you.

Look how it is if you do not have money here, or power… I have seen first hand how people will treat you no matter the beauty and truth they see in you.

A Portrait of Dorian Grey?

It is better to see the True Face of Dorian any day that the Beautiful one which pleases you…

Because one is a Lie and the latter is the Truth…

And only by facing the Truth can you remedy the situation, find the cure and come to terms, as I had to-

That the it is the Consciousness of the people in the world that is really really sick..

Devoid of Reason.

But so addicted to Blaming and Shaming others.. making then feel Guilt and Regret for ever caring…

Donald Trump might bring the End of the World but not by Incompetence, but rather by disillusionment and no longer caring.

When he came into office, He Believed that he was doing the Right thing.

After all America is really a Co-Operation…

Check your Constitution…

And check the meaning of the Word Constitution…

It has to do with health.. Stomach.. The Ability to Digest, to take in and break down foods…

And Evacuate…

He thought that as a successful business man that this was what they country required.

Did you notice that he recently put Mental Health at the Top of American Priorities…

Mental Health…

See the Royals the Three…

I am here at Delta Manor Mental Health where the 16 years path

28 year path led me to…

And I have been speaking about it non stop….

I was led here. because this is the foremost issue and illness affecting the World..

Affecting Humanity…

Consciousness Perspective… Truth Reason Understanding Expression… Manners Courtesy Consideration Communication the basic building blocks for communication…

Robert lost his head phones and then transferred his anger to me by stating that Manhattan is not the Bronx because he had noticed how relaxed I am about all these things…

A moment latter Lost my American Spirits…

My own American Spirit .. But I did not…

I knew it was a Riddle that all is in Harmony.. and I posted it..

And then it was there… some youth ( or some one) had picked it up and placed it where I would find it….

This is the Illness

as Kenneth stated today…

I can not hear you..?

And as The Bosnian who wished to understand the mystery which I know he senses in me, perhaps more than anyone else there…

But he has no way of communicating except through a manner that is repulsive…

The problem and the cure has always been about Consciousness…

How to See..

Take a Look in the Mirror .. Jimmy Cliff sings…

Is it who you are or who you want to be..?

Start with the Mirror… it is honest…

Not the Distorted Ego… a Liar

9:45 P.M

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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