
Quantum Applications Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Applications Quantum Mechanics

Of the E…

8:06 p.m.


See sacred portal 86.. Victor.. Light Of Existence.



Quantum Leap

Quantum Jump…



Welcome Flora Rainbow F R.

Jennifer Cone J C.

Leland Johnson ( Again Leland Ave.) L.J.

Cleveland Warren C.W

F R.. J C… L.J…C W…

F J L C….6 10 12 3…. 61 O 123… F A..O.. A B C…

R C J W… R C J Double V.

From 1162 Facebook Friends and now a Quantum Leap

( Leap Years every 4 years… @ Delta… 2016 was a leap year)

The code: F R,EE… Anthony means Flower

Flora are the reflection of the Rainbow.. 1-7. O-8.

J.C.. Jay Christ… Jay is Yeshua… Osiris… J O Y…

See meaning of Jay in Sanskrit…

Leland Johnson L J… Quantum Leap.. Quantum Jump.

Q Q.. L J… QQ… 17 17..34..7…10 12.. 22… 7 22… G V..

The letter is yellow magnets are in my Locker… recall I found them.

C.W… C Double V.. C.V V.

Cecilia Wiebers C.W… C.V.V…

C..V.. Victorious…

V= 22… VV..44…8… 3 8…

C H… Consciousness Harmony…

C H.. 3 8… 11… K…1=A.. 11 A-A… 1+1= 2…B..

K A B..C…K…

K B A..C..K…

8:24 p.m.

3 8… 888…24… One Day… Letter X…

8:25 p.m…K B.. A… add 1 to 24… 25… Y..

An Engima’s Poetic Leap…by the Numbers…

Film First Man

By Damien Chazelle… D C.. ( 43)

Neil Armstrong, Micheal Collins, Edwin E.Buzz Aldrin.

( N A ..M C…E B A… N.. A.M..C..E …B.A)

As up might heave realized, it is a code..

N is Naturalness Nature…and before the N = 14..There is teh E..1+4=5..E… E is Expression.. e

E N .. A .M… C E… B A…

8:35 p.m.

Today is 10-13-2018…

And Robert Kyle Murphy;s Birthday.

J M.. T R .. U E…

Jump Mann is True…

Meaning that is is Mann who creates the Quantum Application Mechanics .. To move from being contained in the play of Rainbow and Solfeggio; Sight and Sound ( S S 19 19..38… C.H)

To to make the Quantum Leap Jump.. ‘Le Land John-S.ON.E

To literally move from the 4th Dimension -Stage where play of Times Creation was taking place.

Man Kind had the ability, to move Everything back to the Eternal Plane- Dimension…

Through Expression and linking the sum total of Human Knowledge Expressed through out the ages of Time, to link with the Eternal Knowing…K E/ E K…

115..16… 5 11.. 16.. P P… 16 16.. 32… 5… E.

8 :43 p.m.

By merging and aligning the Knowing to knowledge through Expression Explained, Embodied, Exemplified… Exquisitely To The Point in Perfect Timing…

E E E E E… T T P I P.T.

I P T..P… * That was the day I arrived at Delta Manor, Beach Avenue B A. Bronx New York from the 11th State, from BRC Assessment Shelter Green Point Brooklyn..


Which also happened to be Dawn Piercy’s birthday, who happens to be birth code 1976..

76 as my Facebook Friends are aware is my Sacred Portal

The Awakening of Total Recall of the All Creation- Humanity.

The Quantum Application and Mechanics of the

Q moving to Q=17.. 1+7 ( Rainbow Colors which merge to create Transparent Light .. T.L.. 20 12.. 32.. 5 E)



Harmonious A.M… ( A.M… Awareness Manifest .. 8 is also Infinity .. I A.M)

Was meddled with by Humans Past and present by not basing their knowledge and knowing on Evidence and Facts.. self evident for all to see..)

Such as this script on my page.

The Quantum Mechanics was meddled with and I was challenged for for daring to unconsciously forced to prove that the Creator is a Mann. And punished so brutally and savagly, cursed so visciously that to this day, I still can not believe such hate is possible.

A Hate which was so powerful that my Father The one playing my Father Nnamdi born 4-5-1969 who passed away at age 13 ( a code 13=M..To indicate to me where the problem and meddling lay ), took over my Being and Body to make sure that I meet a challenge which he knew I would otherwise not do..

Nnamdi / N N AM D I…

I am aware as to why Cleveland is here ( not because of his friend Eddie.. ) but because his own Twin brother did the same to him, but in a more subtle way, but enough for Cleveland Warren to recognize that he was being moved and taking on the literal attributes of his brother…

Nnamdi… / ID Mann..

That was the Challenge .. the ancestors the Gods, all the Mind Inventions of Humanity not complete.. not even having attained the cycle of the 7 ages which is, was required before you can see the whole the picture…

For only when the Sum Total of Human Expression. the Curriculum Vitae of V.I.E.. all possibilities of Human Existence had been played out and the 1-7 Colors of Expression Sight and Sound had been completed could you then alignn the colors and Sounds to make sense.. and create by understanding that synchronicity has meaning.. it creates Symmetry which creates a Picture and a Face…

And from it one can discern that which is true and that which is false… and cut off that which is false ( after understanding why it came into existence and its cause, so that it would become a science.. of Healing… Excellent Healer.)

As well as an Art… A.S… S A…

N A S A..?


E A S …

Enyiagu Afam Samuel

E A S Y…

That Human disease in seeking to make everything so complex and difficult so others would not attain that level of Knowledge and they would have Control Dominion Power over others…

I had to conquer the idea of Death as Born To Die..

To prove it Death as Beauty.. Beautiful Transformation.

B T.

Not as Destruction, Disease, Decomposition.

And that is why the Diseased had to be cut out but at the same time understood how that Disease came to be.

And teh beautiful Truth of everyone revealed. as the Beautiful Truth and the original Creation…

9:16 p.m.

9-16-2016.. Delta Manor.. I C… T P/ K 115 AGE.

Hi Dawn Piercy.

That which rises with the Light of Clarity and that which disintergrates with the arrival of the true Sun Son Sum

He She and Family ..Of the Beautiful One.

Nnamdi did not play Death, in this play… I di. for I remained here and to be born of a woman is to be born to die..at least you body..

I had to stay and fight Terrible Ideas created and enacted by Humans of Death.. Fear Revolting Cruelty .. Domination Venom.. Savage…

4 is 5…

4 New Facebook friends… on this day 10-13-2016-2018…

J M… Jump Man…

Quantum Leap…

4 is Balance and what tips the balance of 4 3… 7.. is 4 4. 8…

is Expression on the World Stage at 4..

Which to the greatest insult to all being thrown at me was designated as Facebook where the pit of human expression exist.. Such Hate…

And the streets of New York for 17.7 years…

and two years and one month in a Mental Health homeless Shelter designated as the venue to answer teh last challenge and proof that the Creator is a MANN..By facing this incerdibly ine sides and unfair play of chess.

And that in all Humanity is the HUE Man Being Eternal who knows but who could not access the Knowledge because it was twisted contaminated and poisoned… diseased.

See the movie In the Name of the Rose

It is this which I have done.

Q Q L J… 34 22…. 7 is 8… 22 Is V..


My Room mate in bed 4-015 ( my former bed but as 4-016)

Name Victor Hudson..

I am sitting here now at Star bucks and 18 year old Henri just came and sat on the bench besides Sebulo…



Quantum Mechanics..

Victorious Leap Jump back to the 5th Dimension from the 4th.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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