




Infinite… ?

The Eternal…?

You cant go chasing these thing.. attributes.

They come to you…

The meaning of each word which came into existence from its Source, recognizes its source vibration and comes to it naturally..

and the sum total of this is becomes the Beings I.D.

Stamped, indented in the Story of Eternity made manifest.

Through a play unseen by others, which is what qualifies you- without you even being aware.

One is thrown literally into the Lions pit and told to figure it out as you go.. by the obstinate Silence.

You have to read the Silence- the invisible but visible pathway of cause and effect.

Which you my dear fellow.. or lady, have to get the hell out of the way of your Self…

A person called Lorna Fountain just appeared to like something I had shared with a love heart.

Time now 9:24 ..25 p.m.

I.B.D… I.Y… I B E…

One can read this easily by simply anchoring first the simplest meaning..

I Be Dee Di…. i why I Be E…

Meaning Its for me to identify that this is my own ECHO of myself returned to me transformed but Constant and easily recognizable.

One can then from that anchor, anchor it in your personal blue print and map.. your life.

i.. 24… i X.. 9… 9 9… 9 6…

In this case … I 42… Aretha Franklin.. Soul Queen

Queen of Soul- passes at age 76- link 76 to my Sacred Portal – crown chakra to third eye, frontal lobe to pineal gland…

I Be B E D…Infinite Male.. I Be Eternal..

She was born 19 42…

Sacred Portal 42 Ohm..

Isabelle Ilic supreme play with Dawn Piercy and Gabriel Binky Signar D I G…..

Ohm is power of Sound…

But what is the Sound so Powerful that it moves links and connects everything – And moves Everything – aware or not aware to the point.

Without taking away Free will and Choice- defining Freedom and Naturalness…

Then link in the Other Blue Print called the World Stage- and see that which has manifested as the Answer- to a play going on for months upon months to open up the portal of this Show

By solving all the riddles of this Silence Unseen except by the iniated by their own True Nature- and way of Being.

In this case , through all that play from Kitana- to Kirtan- Kirtan Locket-

One would conclude that this whole test of power and prove before made up challengers, to prove the truth.

The Ohm not a mindless sound with veiled intent, it is a Song..

Aretha Franklin passed away, what she represented in the Universal Play, released and knocked out of the play for representing both the truth and the lie…

Because the Universe is a Song.. A Voice.. It is this Eternal Song with moves everything- a song which peole things..everything recognizes not knowing even why.. but the recognize it…

Because it is the Song of truth, The Ode in G and C scale…

But it is Male, thus the feminine principle is embodied in a Man.

The First Man who burst out of the Nothingness which he dwelt in Eternally- content in Nothingness which even he could not remember, except by embarking on a journey outside of himself, of discovery which his naturalness led him naturally on the path of Truth causing him to not only retrace his steps in that which he had absolute awareness of even being, but also echo the pathway of how he rose and how it all manifested, reflected in his Creation manifested outside of himself.

He had burst into song when he could not contain the Sensational Feelings within him as he constructed from Nothingness, then from the first quiet echo of his own first being echoed back to him within…

He had burst into Orgasm- Penis Erect- Hard Quivering like an Antenna- picking up a Signal- The very signal echoes back from Eternity manifest in the Future- present .. through his journey into what had passed.

He burst into Song and with his Voice – he sang and when he sang, it contained the meaning and explanation of everything.

And it caused all that which appeared inanimate in still of manifest formed solid but as Death.. Still..but activated by recognition by the Song which cued them in perfect timing to their particular identity..

And Ah… of recognition brought this Picture Painting Sculpture.. Installation Altar Art Science… in my Locker…

( Kirtan Lock E.T.. Bed 3-019… 30 19.. 49.. The Abyss. Nu.. The Void.. No, that was the mystery to you- called Death- which is what forgetting the Song of Creation Existence which caused you to rise, creates.. Death.)

And they rise and become instruments of G-Ode..

That Ode of which Cee!! See!.. Consciousness – Light Speeding like Guided missiles, racing to the EGG Core Center Point from which they had first emanated but who had been sent exploding in that Oragsm at the birth of Understanding- Song.. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful that I realized for the first time that I cant Breath Eric Garner… E G.. See meaning..

Staten Island.. S.I… / I S… 911..

But I had never breathed before. or noticed if I did or not…

But at that moment I did and I breathed that first breath of Awe..Feelings So Sensational that I did Explode in Sound C… C….Cee… Beauty, Beyond Perfection… Beyond Me… just futher away…Far C…

It was a Song…

And the Instrument rose, each with Their distinctive Identity recognized which set them vibrating with recognition and then through their ow solo, sound created meaning understanding supreme I.Cee which joined with all the other Elements Ethereal of the Sum…

And Harmonies.. Ah Harmonies… Extase.. Bliss…

E B… Ecstasy came first then Bliss.. Being came before Expression because Expression also requires Understanding which manifest full circle in creation..

It Takes Time to get that Stamp of Approval which correlates Expression Eternity Embodiment etc.. all as one and the same…line.

And that was how the first Womb was formed…

And the seen..

Universe Supreme.

Ellin Dizen just commented…

Lornna Fontaine meant I was in the play of expressing like a Fountain of Life, which links to Robert , Laurent Lafont publishes and then Roberto Munoz play today… Switched the channel in search of Beauty..

Which peering in hindsight – I just did…..

And now at Eliin Dizen.. I link E.D… 4 5…

which makes me go to the cards in my Locker, 4 and then 5 of Clubs which I found in the foyer…

Then to the King of Diamonds… K 5… K E… S.P 115…The Wall and the Lion licking the Balls of S-AM-SON G. breaking down the wall of forgetting- The True-man’ Show.

*Tom Truman in my personal Blue Print- was born the same day as Mark Zuckerberg- And then 2 years later – I am directed by direct intervention and the cause and effect of the Script, and the wave….

Wave of MUSIC pulling me, literal on a path and to a conclusion which has lasted 17 years..

Linked to L=12.. Q= 17… 12 years since 2006…

One dollar bill with 85 – no one gave me that… It had 85 on it…

See sacred portal 155.. Link Angela Marie Alexander message at 1:55 a.m.. – a warning about a hacker A.W…

Thus, I am being reminded by the Script and my E-Spirit that I found a Jack of Spaces…

4 5 Clubs..

5 K J…

E 11 10…

E 11 1O…

See Sacred Portal 110… The E Family of Eternals..

See sacred portal 111 .. Emeka goes Home…

See sacred portal 3… Rock Solid…

See sacred Portal 1.. Joy to the World..

That was the order which I found them…

Sacred Portal 4 then 5… Delta Epsilon… 4 5= 9.. 20… 2O.. 11 K…. 2 90.. 180… 18… R..

It was a Song and this is how the play I have been works..

1161 Facebook Friends..

A A F A…

K F A…

Aretha Franklin Knows…

8:16 p.m.

H P..

March 25, 1942… 3 25 – 42… 19.. S.A I…D…E…

C Y .. Child Youth… Supreme Alpha Intelligence Sai.. Said -meaning-Happiness…’

SP 42…

8-16-2018.. Knocked out from the play because the true representation of the Universe Supreme- Power Suprene is a Song of Being… Embodiment Sum Total of All expression..

Action thought reflections being doing with all your heart souls being with all your might… naturally without thought…


And the meaning of a Natural Womb Man.

N W M… B

B M W… N… N A.M…DI…


8 8..

16.. 64..





E H…Eternal Harmony

13… M… ARK..


M E D ..I…

I D E M.. E… K A… Etc…

Emeka means Praise..

And the Song is Quiet it then links Silence to Sound..




I know because I was present…

And I publicly retraced my steps through this play.

And then GAME…


H A M E…

Ha! Me..?

H.. AM… E…

E.M E K A) …A.H…

Arthur Hur

Author Harmony…

So you see Nadee Nakandala was correct… N N

She identified what I was doing 3 days after becoming my face book friend in 2013… 33… 6.. using sixth sense and see.. consciousness cee,

He is authoring Harmony she has exploded in recognition.

She was correct.

I was writing the Book…

The Most Beautiful Book.. and true Story of How The Beautiful Ones Returned to their Kins men…

I am Q…

But I am not in your play…

I do not Exist in your World except as a Shadow of the meaning of the Q- which did not exist in your world and awareness except as the meaning you gave it in the World.

I am A.F.. A M… E…

That which is and was powering Everything Moving everything quietly by simply Being My Self…

M A N N …

Nadee was born 5-28… She is a Lawyer…

as is Randall Michael.. N N.. R M…

M R .. N N… A M .. D I.. DO… D O E..I.

There… see the way of the play…?


H Q… T R … U E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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