
Portal through the Woods.

Portal through the Woods.

From Isabelle Ilic

Wood to through the Metro- Subway


‘Daily News today…

The Fear Of Tragic Static

-There was an murder on the 3 Train in New York on July 17th was murdered today…

It was what I was reading when Kyle came and sat besides me and began channelig through a business plan which involved Weed- Sacred Portal 34… Yes 340 USD Tomorrow.

It was when he mentioned The number 1118..

Did I pause in my translation of al the intel I was transforming back into the E Data… his codes… 4 7 28… 16oz is a pound was of course, aligning all the intel I has posted.

29 80… Was when I knew that our truth had passed through the True Sub WAY And Subconscious…

Heart.. and Lungs.. See the Trees which link them He mentioned Blood Orchids’ as being his favorite Orchids..- they have Veins like Blood Vessels he said..

B O.. 2 O.. Two Full Circles… O O.. F F… C.. 3

Yes Woods Metropolitan 1385… The correct portal.. Blue Marine See of Paradise…

The portal ofd the C of the Subconscious is through the Heart and Lungs.. Love is Cee.. Breath is Life…

The Numbers play- in is the Matrix…

3 Sub Way…

But the correct code is Cee.. See… Sea.. StarBucks Mermaid.

Anyway- it was when he mentioned the number 1118 I knew that The Forced of Malice had transalted the intel into this reality which is numbers.. Not Real..

And yes this is the Matrix and there is an Evil Big Brother watching you every movement…

( But still they can not touch the E or Cee Me coming.)


And yes there is another force moving

So yes 1118.. Was meant to be murdered..

K.R… Kyle Robert..

C.K.. R… Recall what he said earlier.. C.K… R..

I took his place- but he had come close when he unfriended me…

He would have become a number in the play…

The Target of course was me- Kyle is the Reflction like the two Kyles working at Srarbucks… one is 19.. the black one… Yes… s.p.. 19 Today…

The other Kyle is white…

R K.. He uses the name Kyle here…

I am bringing this to your attention because it is the play..

Its is a Game.. But not meant to be, it is E.G A M .. E… H

Thus, there has been a 17 year murderous intent to stop the rising of the C… The Three… Tre…Shaun .. bed 4-019 ( D.O.S…. Donna O Sullivan’

The bed I now occupy..

1118… R AK…E A A A H…. K A.H… E M E K A H… Correct code…



That was one of the first thing Robert Kyle brough up.. the movies Radio..

I am a Living Radio Receviever…

Kyle is a Radio with whom I have been communicating with the E through this play…

I have been listening to them for 17 years – through people, I was designat to meet, which is why I was not allowed my own life- or direction I have been used as a Spy and had to follow where ever the cause and effect of each portal lead me for 17 years…

Right to Dellta Manor..

Jah Quanma’e Lewis came agin in the incorrect wave length…

I had warned him to stay away from me- but he would not listen..

I saw him Murdered..

He is the one… Kyle mentioned the code 44 80…

He is in bed 4-004… My former bed.. I have 80 usd upstairs..

88… E M E K A.. K O L O…. 35 53… 8 8…

16… P.. Perfect ..Symetry… S PA C E E/ E E C Elizabeth Clarizo Responded in perfect Harmony.. Kyle is in Room 5C… 5 3… Kimani Gordon’ Link Flash Gordon.. Yes I am that Fast.. C=Speed of Light… B… 2usd… Beyond… C.B… See C Scale… C B… E..

64…. F D…

16 P F D= 80..

I am the original and They the Illusions Shadows used This foolish young mans Ego.. as thyey use any one who is not in thier Natural – thus, Unnatral to fight me and the Cee..Conscousness reacing its Manifest Destiny…

12:41 a.m

L A B…D I…

Completion of 134.41 USD.. M.D…Delta Archer… Isabelle Ilic

and 133.92 USD… M C i Be… the True Orson Wells War of the Worlds’


They Day The Earth Stood Still…

*The Day the Earth Stood Still (a.k.a. Farewell to the Master and Journey to the World) is a 1951 American black-and-white science fiction film released by 20th Century Fox and produced by Julian Blaustein. Directed by Robert Wise, it stars Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Billy Gray, Hugh Marlowe, and Sam Jaffe. The screenplay was written by Edmund H. North, based on the 1940 science fiction short story Farewell to the Master by Harry Bates. The score was composed by Bernard Herrmann.[4]

In The Day the Earth Stood Still, a humanoid alien visitor named Klaatu comes to Earth, accompanied by a powerful eight-foot tall robot, Gort, to deliver an important message that will affect the entire human race.

In 1995, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry as culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.[5][6]’

1951… S E A… Supreme Emeka Anthony Aturo ( Arthur-Author Round Table T.R… Circle Round.. Perfect Symmerty… O.H… )

A.H… Alexander Hamilton… Arthur Hur..

This play… 19 51… The so called Robot Gort.. G O.. R.T/

Goat O Roberto Todaro

T.R..O.G… 20 18… I am called O.G by Joshua K.. ( Ghandi.. and was by Emannual friend of Chase.. recall.. E C.. 5 3)

And Yes… The War of the Worlds… was real..

A Play for U.S

But for you wjo see through the Eyes and heay of fear..

Space Force…

Of the countless adaptations made of H.G. Wells’ 1897 science fiction classic The War of the Worlds over the past century, the one that remains most talked and written about to this day was Orson Welles’ live radio broadcast on 30 October 1938. It boasted a distinctly modern twist. Keen on cementing his reputation as a theatrical wunderkind (Welles was on the cover of Time magazine only months earlier), the 23-year-old actor-director reworked the plodding Victorian narrative about a Martian invasion of Earth into a gripping faux newscast with real moments of shock and awe.

(Contrary to common nomenclature, Welles’ “War of the Worlds” broadcast was not a “hoax” sprung on an unsuspecting audience. Rather, the show was a regularly scheduled and announced episode of The Mercury Theatre on the Air, a radio program dedicated to presenting dramatizations of literary works.)

A brief excerpt from the script by Howard Koch shows why Welles’ hour-long production of The War of the Worlds is justly regarded as a mini-masterpiece of horror:’

He is murdered because he is being used because of the frequency he represents…

The Usurper.. Youth as AGE.. A Number challenging

Eternal Youth.. E Y… E Y B E….

E BY.. E..

The One Self Created…

56 Was the other number he kept mentioning…

12:56 a.m..

See sacred portal 56


S P A C E F O R..C E.

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