
Please support www.generationXuniversity.com…

Please support www.generationXuniversity.com and the International society of Overcoming extreme poverty by buying a T-shirt created by Albert Santana of all the flags in the world turned into superheroes of the world, which protect and sustain the highest principles of humanity. Many of you know about my journey of wandering the homes of people and the streets of New York, I knew that I was not homeless but that I was being used to investigate the state of homelessness. Albert Santana, like me, is able to channel a higher energy that he calls apart from him and greater than his conscience, which made him spend most of his life investigating extreme poverty. It seems logical that at the end of my journey where each of us had been tested to make sure that we mirrored and exemplified the truth of each experience and found solutions and understandings, that this energy that has literally taken over my body, would bring us back together again on Easter. to complete a task that we both were unaware of the motive and intention but which we obeyed and became passionate about because of what we had each seen while undercover.
The coming together of the two of us naturally, shows me that there is a “divine plan,” meaning and logic and order to the universe. And that the two issues that this collective energy of true humanity or true consciousness of humanity wishes to address is homelessness and extreme poverty. I believe that his force or consciousness which created such a set up of me wandering the world, investigating people without a home and Albert investigating the nature of poverty has a plan, and that this plan is about the purity of the intentions of the vehicles it has chosen. Unlike the Kony project, this project seems to be protected by a power greater than the spirit of the individual and thus the power behind it is the collective consciousness of the higher nature of humanity.
I appeal to the higher nature of humanity to support Generation X Gardens, which empowers people called poor to their true potential.. And since I nor Albert were aware of this great plan, it would mean that it was the plan of something greater than ourselves.
Please spread the word, the news, share on Twitter, all sites and buy a T-shirt. The purity of this man’s intentions have been tested for 19 years and I witnessed my intentions being tested for even longer to make sure that we really are the embodiments of this highest truth.
Love and laughter
Original Facebook Post here
Edited word count 1/3/24: 438

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