
Please read the codes…

Please read the codes…

January 13…2018…

1-13.. 20+18… 38….

1 13 38…

A.M… C.H…

The Alarm went off at 8:10 am… 81O… H.A.O…

It lasted 38 minutes.. 2018.. 38….

That was the Day Allen Murray did not come back.. and the day Hector in the bed next to him was replaced…

Allen Hector… A.H..

H.A is the Mocking of my Challenge to bring the End…


7:11 p.m.

K.Grant of the Spirit realm took me seriously enough…

The code of the room 4A.. Bed 4-012- 4010… D.L…. D J…

As to who is Desire Love.. 4 12.. 16… the Dee Jay of the Evolution Awakening… was confirmed in that play of A.M and Joseph Carey each rep of the challenge to my Truth and my Authority of what I as an Artists and New Scientist.. A Man.. rep the I.D of MAN.. Can do…

And they mocked and laughed and well see me at Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter…

Read the codes.. even to

‘The mishap took place during a routine drill run after a shift change, Vern Miyagi, the agency’s administrator, said.

During the drill, an officer in the emergency operation center mistakenly selected an incorrect template, which shows what message is going to be sent, Miyagi said.

From paradise to panic: Hawaii residents and vacationers run for cover, fearing missile attack

From paradise to panic: Hawaii residents and vacationers run for cover, fearing missile attack

The template that the officer inadvertently selected was prepared to send the message to the public. The officer was supposed to have chosen a template that would only be sent internally.

My Miyagi V… M.V…

Wax on Wax Off…

E O S…Bed 5 019… Delta Manor… E O S…

6+19… 25…

Blair G Andrews…

When I reached Blair, the play was meant to be over with the Ascended Masters… That I had meet my past incarnated as Blair G Andrews…

That my I.D was confirmed.

That there was no need for any more play.. but instead they dared to meddle with my Truth even after being forced to pass all their Tests and Challenges and proofs out of Obedience to Alien Father Alpha..and the horror of the binds in my body and pulling at my bones…

The A.M of destruction… I was not kidding..

Haw A.I.O….5 O…

See meaning of Haw and Ka in Egypt… as linked to the Soul and over Soul.. its 5 aspects///

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