
Phantom Thread… P.T..

Phantom Thread… P.T..

There is a Phantom of the Opera…

Yes I use Opera….

Reynolds Wood Cock… Daniel Day Lewis… D D.L. 44 12.

Preseident Trump calls Haiti and other African Countries

Shit Holes-

A shit hole is a place to defeacte.. to dump.. a Toilet.

Starbucks bathroom code 77 45 O.

My Last Coffee 6 77….

See sacred portal 77.. Loki. Low Key.. Norwegian

Richard whom Joseph Carey knew and met.. through me who spotted him at a cafe in the lower East Side 7th Ave, and recognizd him is from Norway.

He I met after I met Rob Barr… from Nigara Falls.. N.F.

Sacred Portal 45… Throne of Existence.. Planet Earth.

Meaning everything takes place here on Panet Earh

And just as Jamel revealed what I already knew that he was a Male Seer, and had forced him to ground and then guided him how to rise again but from the ground and within his body.

This was confirmed by his Elder Twin aspect, who saw heard me the first day and declared that he had not heard, ( but recognized) knowledge that was the highest, so high that it is from Beyond known Existence he who represented the highest truth.

I later checked and read his codes, his understanding of the play ( and suffering.. he did…), he recognized the play, the highest play which makes sense.. B.L..AIR…AND R.. EW.. B A. 2 1.

I spoke with him as I we walked back from the Atlantic Fuel Station Western Union, I was only a little shaken by what had happened. I read it N 142 A.M.. And had pointed it out to him, I had observe Allen Murray in the morning when I woke up, then downstairs, then on the 2nd Floor..

And sixth sense, as well as 16 years of confronting a script of which I hd to finally accept had manifested as a challenge.

I came back to the shelter to observe a Caucasian man with his back to me and Competitior scrawled on the back of his T.Shirt.

I knew immediatly who represnted that color..

He was wearing Orange.. That was the color of the Homeless man was wearing when I met up with Joseph Carey down town.

( I have not met up with Joe personally since then, all our corresspondance is only through Western Union.. perhaps because he does not wish for me to write about him and th environment… I can respect that..

He is not the only one…

But because I all had been educated and in their own way, made aware and fully conscious of the Script and the play I wondered why I was the one to be treated in such a way.)

Orien Laplante born 9- 17.. Code I.Q.

He was living in Orange County when I he and I became Facebook Friends.

i understood what this play was about…


White Man Black Man..

Woman Man..

But more than anything Intelligence.. White Man or Black Man.

Joseph Carey represents the truth because he is 1/4 Black. Jamaican and Caucasian.

The Truth Being that there is a competition of the races

But the Truth all the races are mixed.

And thus, it is simply a preying on those whose Ayran Coloring gives them and advantage and thus, who may not agree with the Staus Quo but most do nothing to fight it, and most benefit it and use it to thier advantge, calling upon it when a Power play or showdown of Indivuals comes into play.

Tonya Harding and the Nancy Kerrigan story..

T.H.. T M H.. N.K…

Tonya Maxene Price known professionally as Tonya Harding is a retired American figure skater. She was the 1991 U.S. champion and 1991 World Championship silver medalist. Harding was also a two-time Olympian and a two-time Skate America Champion. Wikipedia

Spouse: Joseph Jens Price (m. 2010), Michael Smith (m. 1995–1996), Jeff Gillooly (m. 1990–1993) Trending

Born: November 12, 1970 (age 47), Portland, OR

Height: 5′ 1?

11-12-1970.. Age 47… 11 28… 39… She saw Hell for 23 years.

Nancy Kerrigan

Nancy Ann Kerrigan is a former American figure skater. She won bronze medals at the 1991 World Championships and the 1992 Winter Olympics, silver medals at the 1992 World Championships and the 1994 … Wikipedia

Born: October 13, 1969 (age 48), Stoneham, MA

Height: 5′ 4?

1:11 a.m.

10-13-1969… 48… 5-4.

Competition between Women versus Women..

Men versus Men Black and White…

Men and Women..

All these supposed wars, are more fueled and fanned and then blown out of proportions by The People.. the Mob and that Spirit not of compeitition which can be Healthy, but by Jealousy War..


J.Double V V is the correct code.

*(Which is why I was so strong in my expression to Jason Williams it was not to him, personally but to what his expression invoked.)

But let us pause to observe, the cruelty of the species who took advantage of principles and idea they did not agree with.

Look at how people took advantage of Slavery in the west to conduct experiements on African American Women, How African American men were bed to dogs to be torn apart, Cooked alive, lynched and raped ( which people do not speak about but men were raped almost as frequenty as the Women by both..)

This by no means is reserved for Black on White slavery, but with on Women, and in Every Country..

Look at Myamar.. the Untouchables the Osu of Nigeria.. the Islamic and Christian and religious communities…

It goes on..

It is Not Human Nature..

But it was embraced by so many.. the majority of Humans and those who did ot were ostracrized.

I listened to Blair G Andrews, yes, I am aware that every single person who I was sent to betrayed the Beautuful Truth represented in me.

And that Joseph Carey has ben the only one left loyal to me but I am kept at a distance..

Because a Script has slyly used me to call out the truth in Everyone when I am only interested in the Beautiful Truth because that which is the Other Truth I am aware of and that by awareness of it, and people not cleaning it up was never meant to be my concern or responsibility.

It is like forcing a person a Lord to clean the asses of his full healthy and physically capable subjects..

In this case not subjects as in a ruler, but subjects as each is a subject or representing a principle of Existence.

If the original Prinicpal is brought forward meant to compare the the version enacted out by the Students, or brother or children but instead is used as the rag to clean up thier perception..

Like the loweliest slave and nanny in all existence who is punished if each one does not or had not understood or chosen to enact their own version which falls short of the Original Expression and is held hostage tortured etc.. until the Spoilt Children now spoilt by allowing such a play which though uncomfortable with, will as we have seen will inevitably, nearly all take adavtane…

As Arthur Miller the Author stated.. They are morning sanding around gawking, glad that it was someone else being buried in the earth, rather than they who had killed the best of thier kind…


I listened to Blair G Andrews.. and I spoke for but a mome about the Evil he had seen. he became very quiet…

I have seen it.. he said.. experienced it.. his eyes took on a far away look…

I looked at him handsome like Jamel but darker, 4 of his front teeth are missing leaving his Incissors prominent like Fangs…

He told me the story of how it happend.

Three of mine are missing, they look as if what had happned to him had happened to him.

A former girfriend had set him up to be beaten by a group of guys..

He said it was his knowledg ewhich had made her afraid of him…

I had called him Dionysus because is from Long Island Wine Country…. I spoke about the Furies…

And how Womans true fury came from her secret knowing that Man her twin was meant to go out and bring forth the langauge and knowledge of what she had inside but could not articulate…

That knowledge that would allow her to evolve to the 5th Dimension and become complete and thus his equal..

I spoke about the ancestors and the old ways and the ancient wars between Moher religions and Father Relgions…

And I spoke about how they had thought that they had reached completion when the ‘say the Light and the Tunnel of Love but ended up finding themselves lost in Space.. And thier fury…

144 is 9.. he said… Yes.. See sacred postal 9…

Nwa ammu is written on Sacred Portal 8.. Not 9.. By the way which for some reason I said 9 instead of 8 yesterday.

9 is Infinity…

time right now.. 1:44 a.m.

I will stop now… I am Tired…

I am I.. 9 6…

10 18… 28… 10… 1O…

J R…B H… A O.E… this equation has been solved.

10 18.. 1+18= 19.. S.. 1O A O… S A O..H This Equation Solved.


1-11-11…1-1-1… 5 3 Solved.

1-2-2…5 A B B..E. Solved… Andrew Blair Beauty…Reflected that yes that was played out today in expression and the scene acted out on Beach Ave.

He is in Room 5 C… 5 3..

1-2-1.. 4… A B A D…..African American Indian Human Spirit wandering in Space… Solved.. They are Lost forever and led to the Entrance into the Abyss.. Sacred Portal 47…

These are the ones who denied the Creators Truth and chose thier own ways and to follow leaders Shamans who they knew deep inside were false, but they wished to believe that they were True…

1-12-1… 1-12-2…. A L A… A L V.. ALEVE

Ala means..

The name Ala is an Arabic baby name. In Arabic the meaning of the name Ala is: Superior.

It also means Earth Goddess.. in Igbo….

Naproxen (brand names: Aleve, Naprosyn, and many others) is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) of the propionic acid class (the same class as ibuprofen) that relieves pain, fever, swelling, and stiffness. It is a nonselective COX inhibitor, usually sold as the sodium salt.

Alleviate derives from the past participle of Late Latin alleviare (to lighten or relieve), which in turn was formed by combining the prefix ad- and the adjective levis, a Latin word meaning light or having little weight.


It is tragic this Script.. but it is what it is….

1:50 a.m.

A L A…

A L B….

B L A I R… E… G A N D R E W S…

1:51 A,M

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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