
Person playing God, takes away the Rights of the True Individual…

Person playing God, takes away the Rights of the True Individual…

Who finds God…or the meaning of God (H.O.D.E-Whole) is only the I..

Is only the Individual.

It is an Individual Experience.

It can not be Shared with the Group

It can be pointed out the way..


But it the end is that which is Un Known become Known…

Harmony O Four Square Expression of All inclusive…

Harmonious Expression.

It includes all points of view…

Not just those who are matter,

But the Unseen too…

But it counts only those who are real

Those who understand Harmonious expression…

Which is beyond even Explaination or Truth.

It is simply Feeling Sensation

Alone or when Family is around.

Its Great Its Great….It Great!

And this is why I said to me E.T Family you have to come down here, land here and experience it yourselves..

But not in the realm of Misery, and Negation but in my.realm, the True World…the World and Realm of E…

The Fifth Dimension One…

One of a Kind…

Because it is the only realm and world which is real.

No one False…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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