
Part three: www.generation X Garden.com…

Part three
Promoting the day of overcoming extreme Poverty.
I had lived with Albert E for four years as I stated before, he had opened up his doors to me, a stranger, a stranger whom he said he knew one day would come. He had a statue in his garden, some sort of divine revelation of a man and a woman standing on the earth blowing the conch of the AWAKENING.
For seventeen years he had worked on a community garden with the idea of creating theater, a school and promoting ways that people could rise out of their circumstances, while he fought himself… his own hurt and rage. Yet on April fourth, after four years of living with him and 22 months of believing that I would never see him again, on the very day I was set to leave the last place in my journey of 11 years and 23 years documenting the worlds I had been sent to, Albert E contacted me, saying that he had finally launched his website with T-shirts for sale to promote the universal idea of ONE, which he had fought for so long to sustain as his truth, while battling the seemingly hopeless reality of the Ghetto. He had studied all his life, the sacred symbols, Gematria, governments, philosophies, systems. His research mirrored my journey, though in truth his research through books, years of isolation and studying the internet was much more vast than mine. While I had vast knowledge of the unseen world and the world of the Beautiful dimensions, he had done vast research on the dimensions of this world… and a great deal of his research had filled him with despair. And thus he fought as to whether his university would ever become what he had dreamt it could become. He has researched the reality of the world and the lie and what he had seen was deep hurt at just how bad it could get. Indeed, our nightmare battle with each other for the four years was his stance on reality and my stance of the reality that was beautiful.
When I received the news that he had uploaded his site and idea to the world, I knew that he his stance had shifted to hope and the beautiful… that the power of the beauty in humanity was greater than its power to be ugly.
I was not surprised that I was brought back to Albert E because it seemed that he was the last of the people who had finally chosen.
In the last years I have seen that all the people I was led to had projects, that they had to become the people that they were meant to become… but they had to choose to believe, to trust, to know that their inner truth and strength was greater than the fear and distractions and ignorance of a world.
I know there is a plan, because Albert had left his house and returned on Good Friday and I had left his home 22 months prior and now, with all my evidence of the truth of evolution tested, was back on Easter Sunday.
We spoke and my highest self had a conversation with my lower self. I had met Omar when I had no place to sleep and now, broke of body and money, but not of spirit, I was back in Albert’s house, knowing that just as Converge, beautiful dreamer, Maha Rose, Zebulon all the projects that my super self directed me to support, to make real, here I was on my way home, exhausted beyond belief but spirit and heart strong, and light seeing the last riddle as I had my conversation with God in Albert E spirit. I have met Adam, I Have met Tom whom I loved and recognized and dedicated my book ‘The True Story of Atom and Energy E,” which was a Conversation, and since Thomas means twin I knew that Albert was also Atom… Alpha Tom, Energy of Alpha Twin…
Within a few days, I had the affirmation that the universe supports his dream and that he was pure and true enough (as all the other beings who were tested to see if they truly were worthy of their dreams)… He received a call from the organization of the International Committee for October 17th who promote the overcoming of Extreme Poverty in the world and who wished to do an event in Generation X Garden with Albert to promote this very truth that Albert embodies and to which, in my understanding and reading of reality, shows that the universe has a plan and that they deem Albert worthy.
But we all need support, many have heard me call out as I almost became Atlas Shrugged (not wanting to care or carry the load of this call of awakening) instead of sighing with “At last! I am not alone, my father Nnamdi is here.” But I have been alone, and yet I have watched my spirit support all these people I WAS LED TO, BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE WITH GREAT IDEAS… Should we retaliate because we were not supported in our essential truth? What would that bitterness solve? I am tired and at the end of my strength of explaining the truth of evolution of humanity and consciousness. But that is no excuse for me to turn my back on the truth and the plan, just as as Albert did not, just as so many did not. And these ideas so invisible to others, who could not see the value of these ideas\potential because of their own traumas or feeling of failure, hopelessness would pull these great ideas down.
But I am here to testify that something heard you all and something sent me and people like me to support that vision. That it was so important to this higher being in me, that it took everything away from me so that I would be led to them all.
The chosen ones, the anointed voices. God is to be the true beautiful nature of humanity’s highest potential made kinetic, brought alive, made real.
Love in action.
So please support Albert E Santana by going online and and buying a T-Shirt. He has made artwork of every flag, creating T-shirts which represent super heroes. So that he may help fund this date May 5, the organization sending reps from all over the world to come to his garden to speak about ways to overcome extreme poverty in the world.
He wants to create an event for them but, ironically enough, they do not have enough money…and so buy a T-shirt and help.
I know it is part of the plan for the whole world to unite as ONE.
Emeka Kolo
Original Post Here
Edited word count 1/4/24: 1135

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