
P.S. to yesterday’s question of whether mankind is moved more by fear or by love…

May 1, 2012
P.S. (POST SCRIPT) to yesterday’s question of whether mankind is moved more by fear or by love…
Response… Based on the research and my experiences documenting and writing human stories and watching humanity deal with great upheavals… I would say that man kind is not moved by fear as a force, but that they are moved by Love.
I have discerned that the greatest fear of humanity and their biggest question, is whether they are loved… I think this is what moves humanity to their greatest deepest fear: of not being loved and worthy of love. Not fear itself but whether they as a species are loved by universe, creation, god or whatever…
It is this question and secret fear, which I believe has haunted our species from day one, making then enact out the greatest horrors, and most hypocritical systems and also the sincere heartfelt quest to improve. But to me, love does not have to be earned, nor should shame, blame and guilt be a factor to prove that we are worthy of love.
We, I believe, should just Be. In Being, we can see ourselves, refine ourselves and know from seeing our true selves and our truth that we are indeed, worthy of love.
This is the reason why at 22-23 my life’s journey led me to investigate this truth that most perceive as kids, because there is beauty and harmony in nature, and in our true nature; that there is an order to the universe. I was confident of this, and though I did not set out intentionally to empirically prove this by using my life as a guinea pig, I knew deep within me that it was true. I just had to figure out how to understand and how to read the script of the universe This script is us and our inter reactions with our world and each other like atoms. I sought to provide evidence of this truth in a language everyone could understand, thereby proving the true meaning of existence. This journey finally gave me the answer that it is Love and truth as twins. That mankind can begin to feel safe by understanding and seeing the evidence that the universe is created from love and truth but, like a treasure hunt, it had to be understood, not through the perspective of our own selves but by the view of what is. We had to experience the truth of it, not the illusion of it. Only then, I feel, could mankind relax, and let go of our inherited fear and doubt… fear of being alone in the universe and unloved.
This is the fundamental reason why I believe we as a species went into the land of forgetfulness (dreaming and death): to explore the truth of our existence by exploring nature, then our own natures, to understand that we were not only created from the vibration of truth and love, but that we came into existence as the embodiments of truth and love. And only by figuring this out with reason and rationale (not faith) could the hearts of humanity be finally appeased.
Obiekwe, which is me saying in Igbo, that if my life’s work in researching the truth of our species, of what moves us and our universe is correct…Then the heart of a whole world would be appeased… Obiekwe…
And to me, only when we know with total surety that we are literally loved and that all we had to do was to learn to read our natural reality where all truths are laid bare, then and only then can we rise to that love and finally begin to evolve as a species… because we know with all surety and evidence that we are loved… and that we are not alone.
This is why I know my investigation into the nature of what is existence is relevant to us all.
I wished to find out what would happen to one who remained true to that concept, despite being challenged by every one I encountered (including my mother and family, god bless them.. she asked me for evidence. I fought to stay true to that fact (no longer a theory)… right to the end.
I am not rich in money, I have no houses, nor do I have anything that equates with success here. And I have lived alone an in isolation for most of my life, abandoned by most who loved some part of me, and even now do not even have my body or consciousness fully incorporated with my being. And my very existence here on earth might be in peril, yet why is it that I feel so victorious, serene and content? Is it just because I am satisfied that I was able to go to the end of a journey, to prove a truth I knew from the very beginning of my existence (and which others do as well but have forgotten).
I did not wish to write anymore, but I realized that I had not given the response to my own question… It is love that makes the world go round, even here in New York, and even if it is moved to fear…by the question and idea of the absence of it?
Love.. and truth (that which remains true) makes the world go round and this brings forth evolution.
Nnamdi (my father is here- the unseen hand, the wind, the guide) Obi ekwe… the heart is finally appeased… Umeano… by the breath of life proven true as the breath of love… on Mother Earth… M.E.
Love light and light world
Good bye
Emeka Kolo.
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/4/24: 947

One thought on “P.S. to yesterday’s question of whether mankind is moved more by fear or by love…”

  1. Original comment made by Chukwunnaemeka Ezeufonna:
    Fears opposed Love = Evolve. Hates opposed Truth= Existence Cruelty opposed Trust = Enslave. …. 14 :48… 8… you have been there H X.. @ AM STAR DAM. .. MU

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