
P.S. There is no true opposite to love, there is no duality in Love…

P.S. There is no true opposite to love, there is no duality in Love…
P.S. There is no true opposite to love, there is no duality in Love. Its twin is itself, aka Desire…the desire to know thyself as Love, embodied through the experience of the game board of life where you put your most quiet hope, that you are love itself, to the test. To me the cycle of life and our existence, this seemingly endless cycle of life, turned into the misery of suffering, betrayal and hardship. This, where daily hope dies out quietly in light beings, that such a promising dimension of human consciousness will forever succumb to the temptation of the illusionary Tree of Evil and Death made, now, real.
Humanity seems to hear the quiet expressions of the light beings still nestled within the core of darkness. Many create a pretense of being ignorant to the awareness of that voice in the soul–the darkness of being ruled by the false desires for comfort, safety and the fear that they are not worthy of love. Like addicts to self destruction and self mutilation, they despair and give in even more deeply to that consciousness…of fear and forgetfulness…of things given to you in times of trouble.
The black hole of the anus shitting out all those careless expressions, gossip, toxic conclusion, un-investigated and unproven facts…raises the stink of our irresponsible expressions and suggestions, until the universal body shits us out… And the stench sends him away, returning only when silence has covered the earth; the stench and memory of all those expression so awful in implications, so carelessly spat out and webs of the fall so carefully woven…
From this place of return, the earth now covered in darkness, stillness, and the absence of life… does one gentle tear, fall in quiet beautiful sadness of what could have been… And in that one tear drop, ripples begin to form out of the nothingness, the tear that appeared out of nowhere… And the ripples form in the air, spreading the most graceful perfume of remembrance, the scent humanity was meant to own… And that falling tear, electrifies the current, that is air, its reflection, and then it seems to split up into two, like twins, original and reflection- Falling to Earth…the waters, land and Cee. Then, deep within the earth it plants a seed, which is to be the seed that sustains life…plants and food. And until deep within the see of the ocean, which has covered the landmine of shitty expression… does a anus, a volcano begin to rise up from the Cee, for that tear drop did penetrate it, creating a hole where the being of the Universal Being, as a seed, as a memory, raced through, clearing a passageway, creating framework, skeleton and spine… until it moved through a body that seemed to have a body that once was just shit…but now was a darkness below the O shun, the darkness at the bottom of the sea. But now purified by that one tear, that one spaceship tear of light, which courses through the entire body being formed by it, out of the land, under the ocean…finally creating the nose, the nostrils to breathe in memory of the once and forever perfume of who we are… Moving to the third eye, the tear drop that is also the first seed, moved as living memory through the darkness that was the first stink, to create a passageway that leads to the brain–the two hemispheres linked by the One-to-me bridge, the divide and link, the truth that we are one… finally emerging out of the crown, the tear rises from the ocean, up through the air, retracing its steps back to its source in the vastness beyond the nothingness, back to universal body of truth existing beyond, to nestle on its crown the third eye. And so The body rises, but Backside first , the amazing first volcano, the first body of the Universal One in matter, shooting out all the fire of his ire… And when this Ire is quietened by the Ocean and the hot lava, meeting with a hiss…some land stayed below the ocean and some that rose to begin the true story of creation made now into a picture book… Life and Earth become the witnesses to this tear that became both seed of life and seed of being… each containing memory of everything as plant, animal that was man.
This is what I remember and recall, how the shitty expressions were redeemed by love, a tear drop falling from out of nowhere which became twin aspects of the universal one body…that would become the plants and animals the tools to nourish and teach the rising body of man. Who lived deep in the O shun, dreaming quite a sleep, he was not the Universal One body, but rather what you might call Adam, the one left to eternal sleep, to journey through life and to journey through death, to see through a picture book journey, the story of Life and Death. And whether he would understand the simple lesson, that Love IS him and sustains all of him, and that there is no opposite to love… nor any thing that can oppose the power of love (for after a time of trying, it simply moves away…returning when all is quiet, making sure that all have become respectful, quiet; to be sure evil has gone away.
There is no opposite to love…no jealousy, evil or hate… For I truly have memory of this one beginning and the invention of the pearly gates (the tears of the the universal one who does not exist in this realm under water or within the land Amen Ptah N Igbo) and each tear was a chance he gave when he let fall a tear, so that the cycle could start once more, so man would understand that, in Life, two children…the twins called Love and Desire are both Love and Truth; and that Life and existence are a higher name for these twins… And their source is the universal body, for they are his arms and legs.. these beautiful twins… Hands of God, Feat of God… the God of Be…
Love has no equal, it only reflects the various natures of itself.
Yes I know I did not wish to write anymore, but it seems that as I live and as change has not come, in which ever way…destruction 2012, creation awakening or a little bit of both, I still find myself writing, being a message board for inter dimensional frequencies and communication which seems to be my role in this play.. scribe and translator to the collective nothing… For there is only the One Universal being (not body) and it is the source of all, and all who exist come from it and return to it…
Oh yeah, I am recruited also because I have always had memories of a time before the fall… and found myself on a mission, set up to find if what I could see and vividly remember was true.. or was I a fool tool…. being used/
I guess we will just have to wait and see…
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/9/24: 1200

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