


Please remember that Evil created by Existence does not Exist.

But evil spirits do.


And not matter how much.love and devotion you show these expressions of jealousy and cruelty, they will always demand more than they desreve.

Becoming laws unto themselves.

They can not be tolerated.

All it takes is a few Beautiful People to do nothing…allows evil spirits to take over the consciousness of the world.

I am not a hero…I am simply me but I was confronted with Evil and I just could not allow it to win.

And so we do not allow it to stop us or allow it to make us give up our truth or even give up our true voices..

We continue to express our selves until we reach our point in the end.

And when we reach out point and the end of our expression the Evil is vanquished..and we see it is no more.

Never forget.

Love E.

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