
P.S…Further Alignment…

P.S…Further Alignment…

October is Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere but is Spring April in the Southern Hemisphere.

Thus, Spring Street Alignment of.my.waiting at 😯 Balthazar for 13 years (M) -meaning I was waiting for not my own alignment but the planetary polarization and shift and thus aligns to the Northern Lights Alaska the 5Oth state E.O and this October to Norh South Hemisphere to Spring Street Spring..S.S..8

October April…Omega (8) Alpha…E.O.A

North South aligned to One and East West East E.W.E…Rachel Meaning lamb Purity white light all aligned to 1A 4th Street in me as North East West South aligned to News I have been relating on F.B…

Where I am I A 54321 at 2 68 aligned to the rep of the Planetary alignment embodied in Albert S and Siththy Ameena… Nature (Pelham Park) to Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna…N.C.E…Nnamdi Chukwu Emeka..Kolo… Kasper Lomholdt Serup

North South Axis….N.S.A (not N.A.S.A who.have been accused of interfering with the True play from Space. And doing so.pretty scary things. Interefernce with Pineal Gland third eye, Kundalini…Pituitary Gland…G.P..


Autumn Spring A.S which are my former host intials and that of Face Book friend Siththy Ameena..S.A.

Representative of the North South Axis and the polar shifts now occuring every 13000yrs..

13 is One O I.Nri Igbo Year…and 4 days 7weeks and 28 day Month…

My Brother Nnamdi transmitting from behind the Northern lights via my former host passed at age 13..

13 is M..O Full Circle First Contact..F.C

14 is N…



North South Axis Polar Shift…P.S.

Aligned Infinity Sign Stands Up…

A.S my former hosts is not simply an Avatar as Nikoma he is the Embodiment Personified for no one else on the planet had worked on the codes and contributed as he..

Sheer and utter brilliance in translating transforming…

Linked to Odin Thor Loki…


Peter O Tool

Lawerence of Arabia

Met two Lawrences in the Begining of my journey in London 1989..

New York 2001…Todd Lawrence..T.L.

Nikoma Avatar who simply flowed did not know the play so he was moved.

Linked to Leviathan..the Great Serpent see Ragnorak…Legend Odin End of Time…

He chose the illusion of this reality.

Al chose all realms aligned all to.one..

Showed clip of 13000 yrs shift

Player Superman Christopher Reeves movie same day as Dina Singh remarked his birth day 1O/1O..I.A.

And spoke of 11 12 13th Dimension and 13 as Source Dimension yesterday..

He chose the Truth and embodied it

David David Philipe Gil Emeka linked to Albert


Code Daizy Vivienne…

Days Eye Alive


David Emeka Albert

David aligned to Boom Boom

Albert to David Nnamdi Alberto D.N.A

Emeka to Explaining True Consciousness E.T.C..Infinity

Last F.B Friend…thus Full Circle not.the End.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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