
P.S. – A quick recap of the pla


A quick recap of the play which led me to 1544 C-Town Supermarket

I was aware, that the Ancestors of Time and the Copies of the Original Ten, where still present, and that I was still in a play, a room of which the Bpdy is regulated and controlled by the controlling the nobs, buttons on the Square Box… Magic Ssquare.

And had been controlling your Evolution Awakening Growth even your Senses.

So, I went aware, that it was done but this was something they wished to test me…
60 U.S.D in my wallet.

I glanced at the amount, it was 61.43 U.S D.
I did not give it much thought as I asked then to take a Steak and Munster cheese away, but as I waited, I snorted inwardly.

61 is my 61 days in the Allet which led me to East 4th Street and Generation X Gardens.
24. X.

I smiled because it was a test of my awarenees.

It came to 48.06 U.S.D

Sacred Portal 48 Beautiful Death as Transformation comes Naturally via 6th Sende.
As in 2002, (22)
When I was with Erik Eclass Mateo
And Nexus.

Not this effort horror for the last 20 years.

I know where the weight and wait come from, who was used
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr

Weight is Greed.
W G.

J W. J.VV is when I first arrived here.
I left Liberty C portal of Arden ….Aurelia
By 7-23-2020;
I was at E.M F’s house of his Grandmother and Cila.
Esteban Miguel Filgurria was living at Oregon 33 state with Nathaniel Thomas Bywater Josh Bywater .

So I know who Greed and Weight is.


As the Star of the E way.
Sacred Portal 14.
Evolvion Of Consciousness

53O… at 80.

Kim. had just made the cut.
I had given him and that day.. 10

But yes, the Witches Greed, had set him up to be Eaten their way.
Drain his Energy
Eating him Live, and Alive.

Always be careful what you say, Live.

9:25 p.m

For only you David… your protege and disciple you maneuvered me to Train.
Village Idiot

6th Sense.


No more use of me

9;27 p.m

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