


I know who the Source of the Blackness is.

Its origin.

It is not from this place.

A play just happened here with my former host..

A play so subtle and evil where the Usurper revealed itself…

By my gracious boyish play…

The One who challenged, dared to challenge the Supreme Being…

The Gift of God by seeking to.Silence his beautiful voice, by creating the challenge of taking away his voice by creating thus F.B play..

Where none could see his illuminating

Smile or hearing his Deep resonating booming voice.

But appear voiceless, face less and make rise the Beautiful you.

I never forgive cruelty and I went to.the end to.discover the Source a boy.Tut tut…

And there will be a response which proves that no one who.suffered injustices by being used as a slave, by anyone in the last play.gets away with it…

Oh, and by.the way my.former host.and I was framed…

The culprit was just as was noted in the Nikoma play of the Pharoh… Whom we have now identified as King Tut representing deforming twisting Truth which we narrowed finally down to a consciousneds Supreme Blackness


Meaning false accusation sending people of on.fools erands intentionally setting another up, pretending you care for them…

Not caring of the suffering or horrors they will face and endured…

And then, seeing them victorious with conciet act as though they are your equals..

Hiding the fact that you sent them on a fools errand accussed another, could destroyed two reealms of Existence for personal gain because they are cowards…

And make no amends or atonement.

I am talking about the consciousness of a boy King or Queen in the worst meaning and the worst kind.

Boys and girls spoilt so rotten, that they.as black as peat coal and as hard as diamonds…

Soft and Dur…able to go that far, indiffernt to.the suffering the cause others.

Indifferent to.all warning and reprieves…

Arrogance Indifference Denial Superiority..


Faggots under cover, as in the real.meaning of the word Faggot which is a Burning Ember undercover. Smoldering Rage secretly hidden in the dark, sly, clever ready at the most inopportune moment to surprise you by bursting into flame of Anger.

The Bully who.is the coward and hypocrite..

The one who has a bone to.pick with you.but enjoys the power of Silence, never.letting you know.

And so, I.E line waited watching buried in the ashes, and observed the quietly vieled coal which still retained within it the orange flame of secret rage and revenge..,

And I.E blew up the Soft Coal which thought no one could see beyond its Softness as a disguise and put pressure of the one Diamond who.thought it was the Hardest being in Existence…

And the Coal reacted, suprised by the gentle gust of wind and burst into flames…

And the Diamond was melted by the whisper of a gentle touch and saw it melt the Die a Monde into.water…which quenched the fire of the Coal Black Ember (C.B.E) and the Blackness hearted and the transparently hard hearted who.wished the End of all Existence and the one being of Existence became one in that.they turned into hot air H.A! And let of steam of anger…

Which disappeared into thin air.

To form as clouds and the rest dissapear in the abyss of Space..

And its rescues purity, returned as life as rain…

Thus, cleaning a washing away the mess it rose, which paved the way for the Royal.Reign..

Of the One who was two.under cover.. The Black and Gold Phoenix and the Snow white Dove.. One rising from the Ashes and one which came from above…

Both.meeting in the center space past and future now in one on the Beautiful Present…

The Warrior Bird and the Dove of Peace…

One who saw the truth of the source of the hardest one…was a secret piece of blackness night, of smouldering anger who.used the power of False Accusation F.A…

And then made anorher carry all.the blame..

And Pain.

But with.two.breaths as one the Phoenix and the Dove…Became the twin Blade of Expression of the whispering gentle word…

Which brought about to.completely different reactions..Unvieling who was the Demon the Boy and not the hardened man in the Hood…

One played King Tut…(Don’t speak…cut away anothers right to.be heard and beautiful voice)

And the other hardened by a bitter lesson playing God, bc what had been done to.his voice and expression bc this boy was allowed to play that he was King of the world…and better than boy from the Hood.

And so Justice and Compassion is served.

Justice to.the Boy King Tut

And Compassion to the Wolf playing God in the Hood..

Mother Father of Royal Reign

Romulus Remus

Of Rome and Robin in the Hood.


And Judas Iscariot, it was true he was also.a beautiful assassin as some historians knew.



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