


At 1314 Facebook Friends

Toni Bemis

M N. =27. 27th Day. 27th year

27th State…

A C N.

Code A Pi.. TT. 3.14.

Awareness Consciousness Naturalness

1 3 1 4

A C A N…

Total 9.


Toni comes from the name Anthony

It means, Flower

Priceless, Praise Worthy..

Inestimable Value…

Bernis comes from the Greek name


Which means Foundation

Link T B. 202. 22 V

B T. Beautiful Truth


The Flower of inestimable value



Lotus Santana


S O L..

5th Note..

Is the Foundation of All Existence..

The Victor is the Principle of E K

Energy Kinetic

The Beautiful Truth.

12:14 p.m



Northern Lights

Arora Borealis.

12:15 p.m right now

Note to the public.

As most of you are aware, I have speaking through your bodies and presence to a higher play, the True Play going on in a much higher frequency of Existence..

And through that play, have observed the Pawns, the non existent.. and at last the Avatar Descendants.. messenger moved in this battle in the Spirit realm..

And on a higher plane. The True Play as to which Principle of the E Harmonies would not only align with the Eternal Realm but also be selected as the Principle which governs all of the Harmonics and all the Energy Frequencies.

The Beautiful Truth is the one which has been decided as the one True Frequency by which Everything which is Real and True, rose.

That there is only one Truth..

It has no duality, llusions.. it is inclusive..

Meaning the Truth can only be Beautiful ..

Filled with Beautiful Expression ..

Only this can reach and align to the Eternal Realm existing outside of Creation as Universal Nature.

The play on Earth World was the way this was decided.

Unfortunately there was meddling by this dimension.

Basically blocking the View and the Tele-Vision and E S P used to access the true play.

But it, despite the meddling, the demands of the lower frequency and thier illusions..

B T V..

Beautiful Truth Victorious ..

Has been achieved.

All human Avatar Descendants messengers have a chance to take advantage

And since, we have had no news from my invitation to Brenden Velez to rise.

Or from Alexa Vertefeuille and Andrey Klebanov to pass through this portal to complete the crossing the Finish Line

Then the B V, A.V.. and A K A Avatar Descendants messengers have by free will and choice forfiet that gift from the E T.

And so there is no line of Victor represented here.

A Future one exist yes, in John and then Kim Arthur Hines.

For completing their roles representing Jump Man..

And Tree Sage T S. Y E A R. 2019.

12:31 a.m.

Good Night.

B T V… E.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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