
One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed…

One thing l have noticed is the abuse of the FEMININE energy getting exposed and many don’t get it. Its about time this energy balanced up. There is many things and religion being another one being exposed. GOVERNMENTS and their industries are being exposed, and of them being health… Listen and listen GOOD. The PURGE is now.The cleansing is NOW.

High Vibration is the new Sherrif for SAFETY…

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel…

Via Dzidula Offiong.. D.O. 4 15…


Why am I not surprised that we are at 1165 Facebook Friends…?

Was that not the number which Kyle Murphy paid yesterday.. and was paid to him?

It was also the number I saw as I sat down at Taylor Ave ( Once more wrestling with the Reality of this Play of the Evolution Awakening..)

It was staring at me where I sat, I stared at it almost resentfully…


I woke up today after a day of non stop confrontation designs to set up a spark…It continued from Roberto Munoz to the person called D: where i felt myself literally moved, and there I found a pack of Raw Rolling paper- I knew what it meant.

Kyle Murphy had spoken to me about some paper which he wished to give me. Hemp.

The possible flare ups continued to Randall Michael to even Kyle last night and a grand one with Kassim.

None are really worth mentioning except that it gives evidence that the Shelter System does not work and that as Kasim un intentionally confirmed what I had stated in 2001 when I wrote and experienced the shelter system when I wrote my article for the Diane Sawyer interview, proposed by my agent at William Morris my agent Manny Baron.( D.S.. W.M…M.B)

* I note the codes which align to the is play to highlight once again every thing which at least I went through as being pre-determined.. a Script and a path way which the codes indicate. yes I came through the portal of Diane Sawyer.. Dina Singh Donna O’Sullivan to Dewight Smith …Dharma Santana…

Wood Metropolitan..WM.. Micheal Bellevue…Marina Burini Mark Bradbury M….

Where i wrote The Elegant Nomad and after only 6 months observing New York, observing people and the almost mystical flow of people who came to me and told me their stories.

I had come the the same conclusion again 15-16 years later when I was led back to this portal in 2015-2016.

5:11 p.m.


That the system has to evolve.

And the added confirmation so sad to have been confirmed over and over again, that its creation and is manipulation were not created with the purest intentions.

Just as the shelter system which I had observed stripped men of their dignity, all created by a value system which intentionally was designed to punish and literally weed out the :undesirables.

Psychological warfare.. Mind Control…

Kassims response to it was classic

5:20 p.m.

The mild mannered nature was transformed into frustration anger and rage by the continued interruptions of the guards at night.

It was sad to see him experience what I had fought for- because the Script demanded it.

Men require privacy, they require space- and even the primitive play of the illusion of the man D competing to take over my position An illusion and the subsequent RAW I found underneath the table where I sat across from him, was not but a set up illustrating this.

My getting Raw meant that that I did not represent WAR – that male aggression created from an indoctrination which finances that right some men have over women’s bodies.

Yes, he was confirmed as the one who represents War..

really stupid way to use people as Avatars to represent the sum total of that which is Human which is to be Harvested and cut out by using me, to read it and post it.

Kyle Murphy took over my space yesterday again to speak to his lady, it was important to him, nor did I sense any malice (maybe just some over sight as to what I am working on and what he is working on and which person really needs space)

but it all came down to a search for Privacy and Space to resolve personal and private things.

I was saddened by Kassim response last night and yesterday- I could hear is rage and frustration even in his actions, he just wanted to sleep.

He was tasting what I had been through- and I had spoken up, and I had been punished.

sent to the dormitory rooms three time, and twice to the 15 man room after continually speaking up.

I have been in a shelter for 2 years, for something which could have been resolved in 2 months.

Of course, there was a higher play rooms 3.. to 4B, where I am now having returned full circle through 15 man room 5 4…

Total Trajectory in 24 months, Room 5B 3A 4B 5A 4A 4B…

( 5 3 4 5 4 4….. E C D D E.E…

Did you see that? It spells out E CD….DEE…

that is my oother phone number *1 917 569-6544

B A B A… A B)

Hmm just saw Darryl from the shelter, here at Starbucks…

smh… I made a quiet comment to days ago when I was watching how I was being moved and where people sat…

I had noted that this D who sat at the other end of the Back courtyard was the correct D.

He had even come up and engaged the other D yesterday, and here is the confirmation because this is a portal.

5:41 p.m.

Randall Michael Mark and Darrel have all passed through this portal as well as another who was moved to bed 5-011.

R M D…

He is the correct D which I read and knew already, I met him the first day and gave him tobacco.

The Human Avatar do not interest me unless they are aware of the play and exemplify it.

Kyle Murphy is different, he is somewhere in between.

I enjoyed his company yesterday, and for a moment i entertained the possibility that i would have some one to converse with about this work.

But he is not interested in the play- he does the work and channels, and is aware but his focus is not that. And yesterday I felt too comfortable in the energy frequency he represents which is chill and more like Home, but of this worlds clean version of it.

I found myself struggling for a moment with the feeling of being able to relax. We had laughed and it had been fun, but the play imposed itself all around me, through people around us, to what was spilling out from Kyle’s mouth without him being aware.

And this discomfort in my body…

I struggled out of the cocoon, I am in a shelter, I have my body jerks and stretches..

-They stretch you and push you… It’s kinda masochistic crazy..

New York Times..

My front teeth are missing, there is a wound on my elbow, I must either have completion or treatment, I have no benefits, I get no Food Stamps, if I do not fight work solve i will have nothing .. I can not not afford to rest..

Or hang out with Kyle and Ant even I wanted to.

My entire existence and well being had been sacrificed and my Beautiful Truth of Memory Before though proven and confirmed here in this script, had not created the Manifestation wave which would move me naturally effortlessly home through recognizable routes, as sacred Portal 58 .. 66 and 111 all depicts.

All of these portals have been aligned ad embodied by Players in the Play.

*Yesterday when I came back to the Shelter, the people equation formed was D.A Y on one side R.T on the other…

I arrived and it form E. R T… DAY…

6:14 p.m. F N… Which is meant to mean Father Nature conforms that on the Sacred Portal 88… Where there are three female forms, including my sisters rep besides me, she is 7-28-65 …I am 11-28…6-9.. The Right Day…

Nnamdi was left handed.

And when I came down last night passing the D on the way, to find Kyle Murphy speaking to his lady..

That was my confirmation. This is what he is working towards, that is his focus and his truth.. Where Home is for him- at least the home he is betting in by his focus.

I watched him and saw that he was not interested in anything I really had to saw on that level because he was preoccupied and had perhaps chosen that this is reality he felt was more real.

Perhaps he wished more intel on the realm of E but was not willing to consciously fight for it as I have been forced to do.

*I do not wish to fight for it, but find myself doing so when all I encounter fight to prove to me through expression actions ( not always words.. people lie) because the problem is that I cannot deny that it does not exist, out of convenience, in order to have a relaxed life, or deal with situations which could create conflict.

I do not seek conflict but the mere action of placing me in such a situation where I am living in the Spirit realm of the Mind and seeing things reading connecting things which others have chosen not focus on- or develop- I am being daily set up for conflict with people who have no idea of the play or that I am representing Santana Dharma Eternal Truth, Eternal Law carrying an Energy which Micheal identified as this great light being who moves with me, with a sword raised…

( 12065.. See Sacred Portal 120…Victory Book of Love

They have no idea where I am reacting from, even after I explained to them, set then up as Facebook Friends to access the posts. None has come correct, meaning with the correct curiosity and respect and attitude for this.

Kyle Murphy came the nearest, close.. even to Taylor Ave.

But I felt his choice, despite his great intelligence his heart really rest in this reality.

I do not blame him, but I wished the Script play had not wasted my Time.

I know what the E is.. Embodiment, the choice of which reality is real by what you focus on.

Kyle Murphy, bless him says he recognizes the creator in me-but not really. because there would be a awe, a respect…a constant curiosity and the person would speak up defend… naturally.

Y’know what I mean?

..And you would not worry about a thing…

He told me about something which had been haunting him and his girlfriend for years since they were kids- an apparition a spectre..

I did the codes and the work and Kyle Murphy told me that his lady had to him that for the first time this specter had transformed into that which was now benevolent.

I told him that excitedly that it worked.

He was so blaze about it that before I used to think this was an intentional response to undermine that which had been done with such pure heart for him.. them.

There was not even a thank you…

Perhaps the salad and smoke was.. I do not know, nor does it really matter.

What matters is that is not the correct response to someone who has solved a riddle which was plaguing you and the mother of your child since you were kids.

But then I was used to this response through out my 17.6years in New York.

Only the truly rare few acknowledged , showered praise gratitude and even spread the P.R of the E…not even me – but of the testifying…

Billy Hung, Marina Burini and a few others had showed that awe and respect..but even that faded, as they observed how long this play wore on, and what I was being put through and what I had to enact.

There is a natural gratitude and excitement- I was more excited than he was, that the lyrical conversation.

I understand it but will never full understand that response from people. They place their needs and desires first even before the one who is embodying or channeling that which makes those things happen.

I think it’s because I, and It have been made so anonymous ..

Or perhaps it as my sister stated – that secret wish to see me humbled and fall flat on my face…

But my sister would never deny miracles her rational and natural investigative mind would have declared this as a truth to all and sundry, and she would have been proud- she has or had great moral integrity.

But my sister would never deny miracles her rational and natural investigative mind would have declared this as truth to all and sundry, and she would have been proud- she has or had great moral integrity.

We took delight in celebrating each others achievements and talents even till this day despite a 29 year Upset because I can not even call it a quarrel- I was mystified for years why and how it could have gotten so far seeing here only twice in almost 30 years…

Anyway, I am aware of the insanity of leaving someone to play such a role in this reality.. it will bring out all peoples worst aspects of themselves which will come out from places long since buried and forgotten traumas…

7:04 p.m


Look at me 24/7, it is not intentional, look what I was put through at Delta Manor right up to yesterday..

The resentment by those whom I do not talk to. those who I have corrected pointed things out to, given shared with.. there is more the sense of resentment for my calling them out, even politely…

No they will retaliate and seek ways to bring you down, smiling while plotting against you- not even aware as to where that resentment came from.

Any fool knows giving anyone such a role is not simply suicide, but masochism to the extreme..

Kyle played me the song Crucify I listened…

Two songs I.C.. and C…

R C C..

I C C..

I know that I play the messenger of Death… But Death is Beloved, is merciful, it ends pain of body, releases mind, unbinds the Spirit…


7;06 pmT


I am rendered speechless by the depth of Cruelty Hatred thrown at me personally for enacting out the E..

I have no desire to act out a role which has brought the hatred resentment, of people…

And left me there alone to deal with their retribution.

I love Kyle and Ant…and Kirtan but that is because… I remind myself, because I can see them does not mean they can see me. After all they are actors in Play Theater, each playing their parts.

Just as I have loved each person I have connected with but even as many of you called out that I was being constantly betrayed – as if I were some kind of Foolish Naive…

But recall what Chris Franco testified to knowing of my journey and experience? That I was forced to go into a place and story I already knew and already what was infected and would seek to destroy me over and over again..

…Because something else wanted to be sure… or wished to see me suffer in mind and spirit as none had ever suffered before.


7:17 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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