
One Parsec equals 3.26 Light Years..

One Parsec equals 3.26 Light Years..

*Please recall the equation of 3 26 has been resolved to C.B.F..H

Cee Best Friend (Of Humanity) Harmony.


C.O.D.E- Zeina Hanna…

E.D.O.C- Harmony Zeus..(Jupiter Chiron E-rose Royal Blue-Note-G-Uranus V.I.O..L..E.T)..

And Harmony is A Circle Filled with Everything required to understand the Point of the Note of Sol! The 5th note,-A Needle Pulling- A Silver Thread- of Awakening Memory. Ariane Oates Alpha Omega, O.A, of Aryana Luna Leone, The Noble Race of the Luminous Lune, (Moon), of the One L-I.ON’s Gate, the Origins of A.L.L

Luna-Soul Maia..-The Moon and Soul unified as One portal of the Fifth Dimension, Maia Goddess of Spring-Growth and Transformation..


Zeina we already have established as meaning Beauty

Hannah, as C.ode-Graciousness Favor-The Child-Expression Truth

*Loss of Purity, is when children begin to Lie..

The Consciousness of a child, is the Expression of Truth…

To tell the truth…the most natural expression in the world, now so rare.

H is Harmony surrounding Anna- which also means, Land, Earth, the Ground beneath your feet..

Now recall the play which linked to Earth Kitt, the last post from Orien Laplante which then was followed by Donna O’Sullivan share of the Earth as the First Drop being Baptized..By John the Baptists..?

The Creators Grace and Favor..The Gift of the Child..called the Truth…

AH…Ruth- A Friend, a Companion,-A Vision of Exquisite Beauty..

has proven its self T.R.U.E..T.R.U.T.H….

5:22 p.m

E.V.I.E…E L…I.F.E…

And What S-HE who went to investigate to determine for Themselves, if indeed was the Beautiful Vision, True, Truth, Eternally…a Fact…

They Saw C.H..I

3 8…K.A…


Cee Of Harmony to infinity Eternity…

Beauty.. C.H.I.K.A.H…

I have a second 5OOth Face Book Friend…


1OOO.. T.VV O..Fives…5 5..E E..

Mambi Maqueta Lack Gonçalves…

MM..( 13 13..26…3.26 Light Years..1 Parsec ) L.G..L=12..G=7

Code MM..G.L…26 8…7 12…19 84.. See my date of Birth Listed.

1984 Big Brothers is Watching…

19+84…1 12..13… 1O3..13..4..M.D..(CODE/EDOC) M.D Manifest Destination


26 8 12-7..8…88…16..64…8O…H.O..P.E ..8 O Planet Earth

Recall the play 😯 Spring Street Balthazar Daniel The Bakery..

Christin Baecker…Code

MM.G.L.=H.I.E.. Harmony-Infinity..Expression Existence E

1 Parsec…3 26…12 7…

Cee Beautiful Harmony C.Z.H. ..L.G..L.O.G…Captains Log C.L Lloyd Collins..

Referencing Harmony 6th Sense Jonn Blackwell.

C-Z.H…LOG…C.L…3 12…15 O…6..F…E…

Cee Z.H Log Captains Log Of E

in 3-D, at One.

Parsec..Par-Sec By Second..P.S. B.S../ 8 B.P…Beautiful Pride…Blood Pressure…Something Faster than the Speed of Light..Faster than Consciousness..

Knowing before knowing and yet responding in a perfect timing greater than the Speed of Lights Physical as Well as Energetic..To reveal meaning and, All Knowing from Darkness to Light in a moment by linking it to Clarity-Meaning, while Clarifying Meaning to Buccarat Diamond Clear Clean Cut Beautiful Awareness of All Expression of 47 months..

E=CM.e 4/3..


C.H.I. (E.M.E)..KA.

Mambi means in Congo, refers to a ritual of Consecrated individual to be a Medium between two Worlds, the ancestors and the Living..While Mambi is a variant of the word Zambi which means Supreme Being…

It was was also the word for Bad Evil rotten corrupt

*No doubt referring the horror of enslaving an Individual, without choice to be a Medium- used as a bridge between two realms…While under cover,

M=MM..Z..H…Zambi..Z…A.M..B….I.. He or She is the Supreme Being…

The Beautiful A.M…Being of the I..Individual…




O H.I.A.M.B.I.O.H.


IBM AH represents a play I spoke often about the I.B.M true founders and engineers who built the base, but because they were of afro and ethnic ancestry other than Caucasian, were fired from their jobs just before the company blew up…

This equation began as I mentioned in a very weird and strange encounter in London 2001,after I left Jons flat in London, Feb 14th, and just before I moved to New York, after finally surrendering to this play or summons or mission which had pursued me so relentlessly Super Naturally all my life.

I also publicly unraveled and uncovered how in 3-4 Dimension,or 3-4 people each representing lines of intention had consecrated me to missions without my consent and bound me, in a way that my rational mind could not accept as possible, but my unlimited being, clearly understood.

I do not wish to expand upon this any further, since I have solved these equations in this dance and battle with the Spirit world and the living, right here, transparently, on Face Book..

Though so few could even recognize it…

But since these posts are for the near future as well as a literal equation I am weaving, landing, into this Existence physically after planting the seed and cultivated this consciousness almost night and day, 24-7 for 46..47 Months..

I must complete each expression and equation,indifferent to those who can not understand it now…

They will…You will later..

what is most relevant now is to document on this Page serving as both Map Flight pattern..

E-Manual and Log Book of how the Evolution Awakening, came about ad the journey to the true Origins of man, Hue manity. their home but putting me on the Spot, to Spot light and manifest into Awareness as well as Existence while hardly anyone could truly conceive that what I am doing is literally in Present actually.. Expression of NOW…

Meaning as the movie Enders Game E.G…57/75…

This is all being solved, landed, made whole even as I post and we speak through post, I am deep in the present moment of landing a literal Energy Vessel drawing from Six Sense and Harmony, landing it all through reasonable explaining while transforming (And Transporting) a precious Car-Go from the fifth Dimension while explaining it and demonstrating in, while atthe same time simultaneously Doing it, in a 3D -4D realm and Holographic 2D Play or Universe, while proving 1, 2 Dimensional Drawing, drawn forth from a full circle tried and tested, play of Awareness Edwin-Albert ..Rodriguez Santana Dharma…4th Street… E.A..R.S..( 51 Code Jonn Blackwell R.S…/ Stone Ridge S.R..A.E..15..15=O..6..F…Circle of code of his address 268 East 4th St..# 1A…See sacred Portal 1.A…

Existence Links J.O.Y..U.S D…Di.e-vine…

Maqueta Means A Model. Demo tape A mock up….

No I have proved the code of Enders Game, this was no Mock up or Sample Demonstration…

This Was and Is proven real..

See sacred portal 99.. 4 99…and the play of 5OO F.B.F twice..

S.N..SINE.. and now MM L.G…26…12-7…H.S..8 19..27..B.G (A-Z-A.I.E) 27=9..14..5…

19 +H= S.H.I.N.E…

6:55 p.m

F:EE… Faerie.

Hence a Model of the Universe is what I built on Face book, the same way I did when I was presenting my graduation project and thesis, in university Urban And Regional Planning minor in Architecture…

I built a City as I mentioned, a model based on the O.I Nri Culture- ancient consciousness of building based on the concept of a circle, from their homesteads to their cities, then cosmology and finally to the portal of the Moon..La Lune Luna…III…3 6..O.I..

7:O6 pm.

76…Sacred Portal

Fractaling As Emeka Eze….F.A.E.E..R.I.E

Mapping the Ancient Nri memory of the journey home… Most Ancient Past


Which was interrupting with present task from the Future Present…

Pulling me apart…in two then four directions..

Do you know what the real bird cage is..

symbolized by Donna O’Sullivan post yesterday of the Bird of Light D.O..V.E

Freedom 131313..39 C.I code affirmed through Ariane Oates Aria-D.N.E- already proven by She- same consciousness, never met in this lifetime before she lives in New Zealand… N.Z.. Me U.S.A.N.Y.S… NZ-E U S A.N.Y..E.S…

..the Cage is the your Skeleton, Rib Cage.. Your Entire Being and the illusion made so real, of your entire self trapped in your rib cage, which is a prison with no space.. All your chakras 1-4 are as your organs in chaos, squashed into, and your Rib cage your bones all rising up against you to keep you in the greatest discomfort of all…As if they are all rebelling..

Which is the Cuban word for Mambi given by the Spanish was taken as a name of pride, converted from evil slave, to freedom fighters…

B La C.K… Lack means wanting….

Perhaps, it is this Model Maqueta, which I was used as a Slave to prove into Existence a memory of the Ancestor, and the Spirit world.. Both the Living Dead and the Living Death..

For who is Alive.. and who can truly define to me, proof to me, us that you are Alive, Living… A L.I.V.E..R..

Which we now means the same as the month of February- which is to Clean Cleanse Purify….

Cronus Philyre…

Pegasus Chiron



C,P.A… Chattered Profession Accountant’

A Personal Computer…

7:26 pm…G: Z…

Hence if non are really alive and the very embodiment of the principle of Life.. True Life rises to bring forth and defend the meaning of True Life…

T.L..2O12..32..5..C.B.A..E…And does this by proving and manifesting into Existence the portal home Ga La X.Y..Z C.I..1O11…

Excuse me 8:O9 pm 8: 1O pm..H.I…H.A

Goncalves António Lack

Antonio Gonçalves Joaquim

Mambi Maqueta Lack Gonçalves…


3 Face Book Friends with the name Goncalves…GO.N..Calves…Baby Bulls Cows…

Notice how the name occurs in my three face Book friend in the Front as first name, then middle as middle name and the last name..

GGG..777..x 3…21..U..B.A…Universe Ba of the Unique, Individual Personality..C..CC O.K…O.H..

Meaning of the Spanish name Goncalves, is Battle Genius, Battle Elf- From the Battle Field -Fight Whole..Safe… in Heaven Earth and the Space in Between…Past Past Past -Present, Yesterday Today and Tomorrow

The latter, being the name of my first Book I wrote called my Thesis

(Aria-D.N.E…Theseus..A.T..)-in which I built a Maqueta- a Model of a City which was, as it turned out, perfectly aligned to the first book I wrote as an 8 year old boy, and with I wrote and expanded upon in the Future right to the present..’Nri Towns and the Cosmology of the Full Circle, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow…and Right to present Day…

I graduated from the 5 1/2 year duration 1983-1988 B.U,R,P…

8:26 p.m… H:Z..

*So now we know where we are in the play…in Harmony 8 26 8

1988-2O16 is 28 Years…

4 7..11 28..39..C.I..F.M..two in One..A.B..C..L..C.I.D.E 8 H and I..9..

2 and 9 in One….Harmony A-Z-A-Z-E.H.I.E…

And so the Battle I was in was in in 3 -4 planes of Existence..

But never in the 5th Dimension…

MM..26 8..H…G.L..12 7…


But never in the Realm, my home… The E of the 5th Dimension.

Jonn Blackwell played Paul Simon and Lady Blacksmith Mambazo…Mambi.

I walked up from the Basement for dinner, and Jonn commented ‘You emerged at the same time as the song Homeless came on – Paul Simon and Joseph Shabala…

I leaned forward to understand, to clarify, my being naturally expecting a blow. but instead Jonn explained what this song Homeless was not homeless as understood in this world.. it was a journeying, with music and happy feet, Freedom Lights journey home…Is what his explanation translated.

I felt a deep deep emotion, for my Beautiful Pride had had to go to a war in three realms of Existence for- for all these years of all realms seen and unseen seeking to cast me and treat me as Homeless, gave me the experience of it day and night for almost 15, trying to make me feel shame, guilt and a free loader to the world.

A shame to family friends, and ancestors who had high expectation for me..

Who saw e as a disappointment and a failure to all thier hopes and dreams- and all my promises- which they allowed to go up in smoke..

And turned around and shunned me, when transparently I gave expression and that which was Self Evident, in my body. and I was on a mission from up above..

And that there was no reason to feel Hope and Disappointment, because I already Know… The Truth is Harmony and always has been here..

This was my greatest battle, the imposition of others opinions and responses to a play and mission to bring the E light to this World.

And so for the first time through Jonn the greatest of my battles, which dogged in ever step and home, the people on the street… That I was never Homeless because I knew and documented for 28 years and 26 years.. Exactly how I know.. in great details..

And through P.S and H.S…(Recall 8 19 Equation…)

The Ancestors confessed the Truth that my journey was of Happy Feet because I was on and am on my way home..

But what they fail to mention, is that it is they who interfered with my mission adding 23 long years to what I had already proven at 25,,, Exactly how I know..

9:O4 p.m



9:O5 p.m


I was tortured by All three dimension and the 4th who did created this evil way of torture of sentencing me to a Horrible Existence for daring to say.. I know the Way Home..

Judged Guilty before even all the proof.

9:07 p.m


see sacred portal..97.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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