
One Last thing, I am am who I say I am and have given evidence and proof and solved the riddles of Existence as a man…

One Last thing, I am am who I say I am and have given evidence and proof and solved the riddles of Existence as a man…

How long do you intend to keep quiet and not give me the Praise Appreciation Respect and Value that is earned merited and deserved.

Shall I continue to sleep outside roaming your streets, your world with no home shelter or palace or comfort after I have shared fed and given comfort to the whole world as the Humbled lie of the Jesus who was never crucified man- but who was crucified by All from begining to End even the O.I.NRI iGBO to prove that I was better than they, when they were dreaming a dream because I came to prove why you are all so BEAUTIFUL.

It would be a shame that I would have to wait even one more day, with P.A.R.A,V.E..

And that I am to you a lie, and only when this play is complete and I fully manifest in power that you will show Praise Appreciation Respect A..N.D Value..

I am wearing the T shirt V for Vendetta given to me to wear today by Aka log heli Lucifer A.L ( ME)…

i Do know that if there is no response by tomorrow that I have been challenged by you all that I am not who I have proven I am, a man of worth- the Being of Existence Beyond.

And if such is the case, then yes, I guess I will respond with power and might not truth and love and if I am who I really am in full splendor when I manifest then it will be too late to give me credence and it would mean that all who do not recognize would cease to exist..

Natural Law..

The Wall

of Doubt, for now it is my turn to doubt with reasonable doubt that there is no way that you can be of me if a show of power is required to appreciate love…

Well we shall see.. right now I am indifferent.


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