
One last Share in Honor of the line of

One last Share in Honor of the line of

Sarah Nkem Blackstock and my new face book friend rep

Smith Nina James…. S N.J…

Notice S.N.B… S.N.J…. S S N N B J…

/ J.B…N N S S…

Recall the gift codes of S.N B… Total 220:00 usd…

And the last code with Dawn Piercy 22 usd…

My mother and David Roman Nicholas ( Nnamdi) were born 11 22 47…

11 22 68…. 11 11 22 22 47..68…/ 86 74 22 22 11 11…

The image Sarah Nkem Blackstock uses here on her page reminds me of my High School girlfriend Barbara James…B.J/ J.B.

I would surmise based in this play that she is me.. my mirror reflection…

And thus, the line of the Family of E based in the codes of

S.N B…

Lisa Natalie Johnson






9:19 p.m.


Ah, so I will take that IS a confirmation..

And this was about the Lady… Identifying the Line of SHE who is in Sacred Portal 37…

The line of the V…

This had better be it, because I have no intention of going any further with this convoluted play…

David Cecilia… C.D/ D.C… 11 22 … 47.. 68…

9:22 P.M.

Onuabuchi Nnamdi… O.N….

C.D… 7…G… 12..L… G L… 19…84….103…J.C…13..M…D…

1004 Face Book friends… 1000 M… 4 D… M.D…. 17..Q…

Jamel.. Kamel… 8….H.

O.N..14=5…O.N.E…. O…15..N..14… 29….B.I…A-Z+3=C….A-C… 11 K..A..

2 9… 18…R…Robert… 9..I… E

Brenda Son Kemail.. born 92… 11 9. K.I.

Alexis Daughter of Lillian… Sons Q.C…


E M E… K.A… rep Quintin meaning 5…

Nicholas meaning Victory of the People being Transformed to the E…

Alright… bed 4-006.. 4-008… 68… David Cecilia.. 47…

68… 14..5…48… 32…56…

47….11 2 1…28… ( yes the Power Ball)..16…76…

There… Enough!

9:34 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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