
Ola Oladunjoye O.O.

Ola Oladunjoye O.O.

Ola Oladunjoye O.O.

Chiyuna Terry C.T.

Kerwyn Vincent.. K.V

Code…OO. C.T..K.V.. OOC.T.K.V…

And Vertically,



Ola Oladunjoye is the Response from the Universe Supreme Awareness Matrix to the money post of 1O USD marked with Intel and Codes…Linked to 1 usd dollar left in my Wallet, linked to a conversation between Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka and myself, which then linked to Eze-U.F.O..Nna Father finding 1 USD…

And then to the confirmations with Kerwyn.

3 U.S.D he gave me for one more day of posting at Star Bucks…


Portal to the E Ga La! XY…C.I..1O 11…(111 Home)

*See Sacred Portal 111.

1O…Representing the completion of the Original Creation Story of the Passed- as in the Milky Way, M.W 78/87….

As a Story emanating from the Passed Event of the Big O…

Sacred Portal 11O.. We Are E

The True Big Bang… B.B..

As Confirmed by Sarah Nkem Blackstock

Bismallah Building

B.B… 2 2… 2 4…+x…Equals 4 4…1…8..Harmony…

Its aligns at 4… 4-4… Green Point to Delta…Manor.

Green is the 4th Color in Rainbow Waves…

Delta is the fourth letter in the Greek Alphabet…

4 is Note of Fa….

Which is what was on the 1O Dollar Bill…

10 U.S.D…

Universe Supreme Delta… ‘Mouth of the River.. The Source..

Portal into Galaxy CI…IO II…

Nasa classified as Galaxy I.C 11 01…

And so 1O 11 3…111… 1=A…3.A…

E Galaxy C.I..1O 11…3 1’s… Room 3A..

And the code of Anamla Qayin D.M.I.C…T.P/K 115 AGE…

completed at 5:11 p.m. with the Orien Laplante post in which I expressed in perfect timing then acted out without even realizing at first the very words I had written in that post.

And now it would seen that I am completing the code of the line of Kerwyn Rawles Vincent….AGE code 49…DI…NN.A..M.D…I.

/I.D…M.A.N….. N.E…Natural Expression…

Because I had 25 cents left in my Wallet….


25 was the number of Face Book Friends Kerwyn had when I knew that the reason I had seen him first thing in the morning was what I already knew, but was lazy about doing, asking him to join me on Facebook…

(I am honestly too exhausted and revolted to care…. )

25 is Y.. and I became his 26th Face Book Friend…


Yeshua Christ Story resolved and evolved to YES H.U.E…AH! Christ.



A=1, L=12,12…= 25… A+H= 1+8=9….

25 cents… 2 5…Y…B.E…/ E.B.Y…

Yolanda Bakwena… Y.B…/ B.Y..E




Y….Yeshuah Yes Hues Ah…

7=G..Golden Dawn..



Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn….

E.H…(58) O.T…( O20…15 20…35…C.E..8..H)

G.D…7 4…11..28… 39…C.I.

Z evolves to 2+6=8…Harmony…

25 26.. Y.Z…IS 7 8.

M.W 7 8/ 8 7… Add 15…15… OO.

Ola Oladunjoye

Means Wealth, Wealth is greater than Titles…

Very True considering Aristocrats selling the titles and using it for monies…

Chi-yuna… E-Spirit Energy Chi is All of you…go home…

Terry means Powerful Ruler of the People…

And Kerwyn means Little Dark One

Vincent means.. Invincible, Conqueror.. of Death…

9:25 p.m.



Both codes aligned….

9:26 p.m.




Diamond Hearing…


See the post I shared of OLA….

An E.A.R…

Little Black One….

A Portal…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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