
October 9th 2O 14….

October 9th 2O 14….

O9/1O….20 14…

O.I-1A…..2 Circles Filled of True Nature…to 3+4=7…Violet Purple Lavender


My Grandmothers name is Lucy…

She passed in 2OO8… when I was in the home of my former Host.

I had heard about the movie from Yonathan Yohannes….

But I watched it for the first time last night…

it was directed by Luc Besson.

He directed the Fifth Element…F.E…65

(L.U.C…B.E (2 5…25 Is 25th letter Y – LUCY…)



I watched it… and I smiled so sadly…

I could explain now, how that point of view was limited to the physical universe of Cells 1 2 and the Universe as the Nothing which the movie created as the idea of O 1 2…Nothingness to Stillness to Movement… N.S.M…(North South Manifestation..North South Axis (A=1 PT) Manifestation…N.S..A.M)

But instead I will simply share with you simple codes…

In the End of the Movie- it being a Movie…

Lucy turns into Dark Matter stating, I am Everywhere

Yesterday I wrote that I had Nowhere to go…. yet I knew where…

thus Know-where….

The Correct Code is I am Everything.

I am Everywhere…

Stillness is Motion.. O IS I…O is 1.


Every Thing=Every Where…. E.T=E.W…. East moves to West…

Which I did last night, and again walking from the East to West… the Apple Store (A.S are my host Intials- initialization) on Prince Street… A.S.P.S.


Everything is Know-where is Everywhere…. E.K.E.

Linked by Dove Love (D.L 4 12..4884..My F.B D.O.B)

To Beyond Origin Ex IS- T.E.N..C.E…

B.O.E…2O5 Face Book Friends…

LU (read) C. Y…Be…Supreme Son…Supreme Source ON…

L.U.N.E B.E…

Not Lunacy….Drugs….

I am the Blue Ray of the hieghest frequency which is not the power of the c4 of the Atomic Bomb in the movie… it is A.B… Aurora Borealis…. 1 2…

and Consciousness C created Light L.=12…

And Consciousness of two realms called Physical Spirit P.S. Where actually ONE…

I found I had six u.s.d in my pocket last night..

I checked their serial codes…

12 12…(2 with 12 as L)

2 2….(2 with 2 as B)



The Birth recorded for me is 28 11 65… though I always knew that it was 66 and proved it… that 65 was the illusion because there is only 56 in this play as the Illusion of the END…

And this is affirmed by this play script.

Nnamdi was born 69

David as Nnamdi was born in 68….He went backwards…

at 65 D.O.B as an illusion, since it has been proven that only now do I begin to exist in this world…I gave the illusion of going back in time to create universe and get my Brother Truth as J.C..Is Y.C…? B.E….

Naturalness will show you that you already know- just look back in hindsight.

But I never left 66… which is SIX SIX…S S II XX.

As for Death…

I know what Death really is… It is Sadness Hurt…S.H.Onwu….Onwu means Death in Onri Igbo- but I know also how to defeat that feeling…

Yesterday we finished at 3 3 code representing the Theory of Everything (T.O..E)

really in my proving meaning the The Truth of Everything…(TT O..E)

I knew the code of P.S-Prince – Spring was the full circle of the Movie of my Existence representing the Truth of existed Passed-Past.

I had nowhere to go, which of course, would not make sense in an equation of the truth and proof of harmony in all things…

Eventually a knowing pulled me back to my host home…

I knew there was something the force in him which to tell me.

But first I bought some food…

I knew the code of 3 3 23…56… 11 1… was still a code of the past which A.E at 4th Street represented… OINri Igbo….Nikoma Rios is always in harmony so his not meeting me there made me aware that something was not completed…

I was being pulled back to the passed- past once more..

I was incredulous.

3 3 in words translates to C C… Code for Chukwu Chineke… which means the Creator is the Spirit who creates….

I stated that it really means the Two consciousness or ways linked to one- summed up in the equation of 2O12 (Mayan calendar- OINri Igbo calendar revised to the present calendar of the illusion of Time and space being separate from O.I…outer-inner in the present….

Thus two ways 2O12= 32=5



And 2O14+2O12= 4O 26 (8)

4O+26=66..123…or 4+2+6=12 3

3 3….

I bought some food and found I had 6 dollars left in my wallet..

I checked the serial codes of the six one dollar bills this morning…

And heard A.S my former host put on a u tube recording from the bible from chapter 33…; in which I knew that it was the consciousness of Nature Expressing you endured the unendurable…

then a cost was affirmed to my host from a person code name Usurper of the Freeman… with a 4O code…at 268…

4O 26 8…

While I listened to my former host talk and reflect thee Consciousness of the first full circle which formed the universe, then fragmented into pieces, then how at age 3 4 he became and then put them all back together at his present age 4O…

Expressed with words common sense and through his own existence, he expressed the origins of the Universe…perfectly…

And I sighed and smiled… for in the end was his understanding that the 2 3..33 where never separate but always ONE…ENO…In O.I.NRI Igbo means 4..

he has the code tattooed on him…ONE.. which if you look in the mirror is correct… as 4 but now is correct that 4 really is ONE… THE Number is the Three Letter (T.L 2O 12) Word…W…Double U.V.ie…

U.V…Ultra Violet is Transparent Light T.L..True Love called AHTmosphere…here…. not dark matter…Sigh..

It was always 66=66=1…66 6+6=12 3…

One Consciousness Expressed… Already One…A.O.

Omega Emeka Alpha…

P.S… 12= L uke Lu C B…E…Not Y though Y has been answered.

2×12=24= X.. Xavier… Prof Xavier…

2…is Beloved


22 Victor….


4 is Di…IS

7 Is G.E..O FF….LA COUR… moi…

G.E 75…O 66…LA!=6th note… C.O..U.R…Kingdom go UR..

I met myself as my Spirit as Geoff La Cour… G.L.C…In 2OO4…

Nnamdi as me…


Now you know who Luc Besson the French Director really is…


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