
October 8…. 2O 14…

October 8…. 2O 14…


From 4th street full circle… E.N.D (Emeka Nikoma David) then a simultaneous play btw Emeka Nikoma E.N (Maison)- Emeka David E.D (45 Last gift of Nikoma)-

then David Emeka Albert (D.E.A) F.B.Friend Daizy Vivienne….meaning Days Eye Alive (D.E.A) as my very last F.B Friend…

Then 9-1O days (TEN as in The Elegant Nomad- whence my nomadic existence in new york began)…

Resolution of equation of 2O12..32.. C.B (Consciousness Being) 3+2=5..H.I 5…E…

Evolution Expansion Emeke…Praise and Appreciation expressed…

Through the Kiss ( my former host literally gifted me with Kiss chocolates which were for his son Reign) of True Love ( watched Maleficeint last night with Angelina Jolie..A.J.O-O.J.A- Rage of Woman S un)

by proving True Love ( 2o12) by proving True Nature ( 2O 14 is 34 Creation Destruction in Balance as O7/7O… Yesterday was the 7th…)

Thus, aligning Numbers to Words to Energy (W.E), to Beautiful Expression B.E… Days Eye Alive….The Planet Earth and Plan et aligned to Earth Existence EE…

And now, here I am with nowhere to go, led to the Apple Store (A.S my former host initials aka Albert Einstein A.E 15-Aligned to Me…15+ Emeka Albert ( meaning Noble; Peace Prize) 15+51=66…12..3..

17 dollars in my pocket, code if you remember for the transformer in the back of my hosts home and 71 as the date July 1st, of solving the Matrix as real… Transformer 17 is Q,.. transformation of death (outer Space to Life)

Having received the code non stop of N, I have contacted Nikoma and so far no response…

So David Emeka to Albert…to Emeke… D.E.A..( 205th last f.b friend)… E..

and now either to Nikoma as N=14 *see sacred portal 14 As Evolution…

but E.N Has already been proven full circle…

I have messaged Nikoma to see if he can meet me at Spring street Balthazar..

I see now, in hindsight that that creates the equation through Naturalness and Logic…N.L =14 12…26…X 168…) a full circle complete from Park Slope P.S -David (Albert S S.A..Siththy Ameena)

-Nikoma Prince to Emeka 😯 Spring street… P.S.. Where i will be waiting…as I have been for thirteen years and seven months for something which, I know know….E.V.E…

Thus, one universe ends and another begins that of true nature.. mirrored on the ground through name Codes NNamdi David Albert Emeke…. Father IS here, the beloved noble Praise…

and on face book through Eunice Nkechi (e.n) Shubhi Gautama, Orien Laplane.. E.S.O… E is SO… The 5th note the fifth dimension… David come home

E.G.O-O.G.E… as Siddharta is Gautama Buddha….

Affirmed by equation Stephen F (sensation feelings) to Zeina Hanna…Z.H meaning Beauty… and Hanna- Gods gift to the world… the gift of a Child…

Beauty is Godes gift to the world… praise…

linked to Chris Franco… Conneticut who connected to me through Nikoma at Prince street, and who connected me to f.b friends are Stephen and Zeina….

And thus, it forms one full circle….

Right to todays date 8th october which is 8 1O… Which is 8O… or simply 8×1… 8 or 8+1=9… 89… the year I began my journey Talking to the Silence from Marylebone London…after leaving my sister in queens Park… generation x gardens 4th st.

guess there is nothing I can do but go there and wait…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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