
October 17….

October 17….

17-1O…2O 14…


Oh, I see…

The its about the Alignment Gathering and the Q..Queens…The Q as the Goddess..

And the Lords of Love..

The Brightest…

Look at my two.posts…

The First is about the Q…Omnipotent Beings..

Beyond Time and Space..

The Second post was about Gathering…G..

The Family not just for me but all of you and your familes loves companions since the begining of Time and Space and for some of you even beyond….

A Family Reunion…

That maked Q..17 today’s date..

And 1 7-71

We have done the code of 17…Transformation…

See back posts

And the silver Mac code is 71 3O…

Code of proof of the Matrix being real and the Codes giving proof that they work

(After being tested to a point to drive me insane refining and refining andv ensuring that there are ppl who can read it, teach it etc…those who get it so I can leave in Peace…)

The Codes being the Gift of Lord and Goddess..E


And now Alignment Awakening in one..

Code Of three posts…

17…Q..Omnipotency Beings


1..AA..Alignment Awakening in 1..AA..aa=1..

Now it would be my turn…

The B.C E.E.C.B.E..A.H..

I.CE…9 53…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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