
October 14…

October 14…




Affirmation of the Titans by A.Santana.

Former host.

Allegory. Aristotle and the Cave.

Albert came back from work today.

Our final good byes I knew required one last conversation.

He spoke about the Allegory of Aristotle and the Cave…

Five men in chains in a Cave who faced the wring directions.

They could not see the Light but only shade..

There were five men in this script..

B.J.D.N.A…A is the last…

He spoke looking directly at.me about one who was not chained speaking and describing a light the source of the Light.

And how they could all free but they refused to believe him. And said they could not see it and.thus. they could not accept what they young free man was saying.

He spoke of the binds of this reality and the.shadow of time respinsibility and experience which.governed their point.of.view.

I countered with what about all.the knowledge gained which allowed one to.rise above ones personal lifes experience and point of view.

But I.knew this was the last of.the.script.

The Titans who gave the illusion.that they bound the One in a Cave for the Existence given them.

I knew it was their finally taking responsibility talking.through my.host.

Aristotle Cave…A C..1 3

I am C.A…31 outside of The Titans Atomic Elemental…

The A.S.

And it was is thier reply to.my.posts about Nature and they not be trapped or decieved.

That I came back for them and told them about the Beautiful Realm which they could come to.

But they felt safer being trapped bound to.the Rocks the Darkness..it maxe them feel.safe… Bit not happy.

And yet that was and is not the meaning of

S A.F.E…


And so it is affirmed that this venue is the last portal of Matter as Atomic Sub matter Sub Spave before transformation to E…

My.family.the Ethereal Ones…

It is a Set up Lord AL…Nikoma and then you..




The I


It was a Script…A Matrix.

I am not sure if anyone is actually paying attention to this…

The truth is that all this linking is about you.

It is to exemplify how to get out of your matrixes after proving that each is in a matrix…

Five levels which is represented here.

The Binds are your J.B..Jobs..

And the last is your D.N.A.

The Binds which hold you are your D.N.A..meaning the programe created by your perceptions and experiencing of the Matrix as my former host so well articulated.

The way to get out of the stories and Matrixes has been provided over and over again here by my stream of Consciousness and my reason and logic.

It won’t let me stop until I complete the solving of my portal out to my home and raising my family of E line to consciousness awareness being here and now.

Meanwhile…a real Mean While you gain this insanely detailed map blue print out of the Matrix which will not be valued until later when I am gone…meaning my attention and consciousness no longer focused on this realm..

It is all about True Nature which is the only way to escape the Matrix which requires that you watcj and read your naturalness which you can only do in hindsight..

As I am exemplifying.. Then link it through your own awareness.

Your true Nature contains the true nature of the programme creator which is not contained in the physical called D.N.A…

Conversation can alter D.N.A meaning that D.N.A is affected by Ethereal Nature..E.N..

Which is not made of physical matter.

It is made of Natural Expression in which the E line in you..the seed planted in you guides you out of all Matrixes..

From man made to the one created by Nature as One..A.

What this means is this all people come from the Dead or buried in the Earth…

The journey is to rise from the Anna…

The same way a seed rises from the Earth.

The cycle of this Earth is that you are linked to the Earth and the four elements because that is where you return to when you die.

And your ancestors were all buried moving from the darknesss of the Earth to the cave called the illusion of Elemental matter called Space..Chemical composition..Atoms Electrons…

They represent Four in one so they are not reall five..they are 4 +1…Each representing an an artificial dimension from the world matrix to the Matrix Web of Nature..Wisdom..represented by Al as Nikoma Jon…

I am being black mailed of course, the more I share the codes maps plan blue print of Existence the more I move away from this play and this realm.

And since the Titans of Land or the Cave in Space and on A.N.N.A..L.A.N.D…D.N.A.L…

Have affirmed the Truth of the last portal of Umiverse Edge of Thier Existence…

Illusion or Webs End…

I will be going soon

Emeka Seneca Aristotle…

E. S.A….

The Teachers…

And the Centaur…Chiron Saggitarius

The Archer…Chukwuemeka..

E. S.A.C….



The Case containing my computer with the reps of the 6556 family of E, I took back from Nikoma and took to A home so I could take with me (giving the illusiin that my Line of E are buried in the Earth and in Space scattered..not true) they as proven by all of them rising in each.of you on Land five of the Male players…and on all the Face Book players Friend 206…Means that it is you in the physical consciousness who are really buried in land..Earth Fire Water Stone Space…

That my family are beyond in the Rare Air E..)

My case is called Targus…

It means a Shield or Target…in Latin.

It also.means Market.

The Shield and the Target…

There is something viscous and evil.beyond words in this…

Anyway in the correct play it means the protector and the Target E..

The Market is Goddess…Eke Oye Afor Nkwo..

E.O..A.N…code Nikoma Al O Emeke….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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