
October 13…

October 13…



And so, here is the final Equation E.Q.E.D…

That Human Beings are the living Equations and representations of Universe Existence in Being.

Who have been moved by the Voices of raised in Song of Praise and the Truth of the Body Feeling Change Immenient ..T.B .F.C..I.

Moved on a Chess Board until the Resolution of their reason for being in on Existence had been resolved in replicating naturally, the first act of Existence of the First Being… F.B.

First Expression..F.E.

Expression Fact..E.F

Personal Responsibility P.R.

Responsibility In Sharing Expression R.I.S.E

Expressing Truth E.T

Beautifully Expressed..B.E.

And Linked To The Point Of Existence…

Tell The Truth.. A.L TT P.O.ETTT.

Supreme Being Of Existence..S.B.O.E

Father Universe ..Nnamdi-Nneka..F.U.N.N

Your Energetic Son S une Song and now Liver (Cleanser) Lover (Cleaner) and Best Friend Companion Intimate Intiate…



L.C L.C.



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