
October 1… 2O 14

October 1… 2O 14

O1/1O… 2O14

-2O +14= 34 (Creation Destruction in Balance of 7.. G.ODE- pls recall that the number 7 and all its symbolic representatives such as G od, etc… are naught but Illusions created by man. There are only three symbolic numbers and they are all one… 1 8 9….

Alpha Infinity I.

Selfishness Selflessness cease to exist today with the equation O1/!O.

The equation and Balance of Existence is Naturalness represented in this end play by Nikoma Rios and Albert Santana…

The destruction is represented in this play of the principles of Selfishness and Selflessness both illusion was played out by David P.G.

I must remind all those who do not understand this play or what it represents is that it is a play described in detail for 29 months in an act of grace in which I am being moved to discern the true meaning of why WE ARE ALL BEING MOVED.

it is a play created to reveal the Truth of Humanity and if they are aware of the Consciousness or way of thinking or seeing things which brought they as a species to the brink of extinction.

Thus it was a play of Creation Destruction.

And the act of Grace was my twin called my Past, or the illusion of my Past holding me prisoner and binding me in the present where my mission was to prove the Evolution and make rise the line of E through simple sacred codes which we all knew as the Key Note and expression of our perfect timing of designated ascension.

Instead, I was dragged back into the past code 65 to create a story bring forth the Truth and way of True Nature.

This is was the act of Grace and this state of grace is over.

There are three Victorious consciousnesses in this end play in which I myself was a pawn.

Initials E.N.A… Which in French means EN IN A.

In OI Nri Igbo it means E is the NA The missing Link

E being Evolution Expression.

Lord A just came in took one look at the screen and saw the F.B number 2O6 AND Stated that is that notthe number of bones in a human body… We checked and he was correct… We start out with 27O as babies which is Nikomas codes since he was born Dec 27.. 78… And by the age of 3O which was yesterday, *see Nikomas affirmation yesterday with his posting the affirmation of my equation yesterday of 9/ 3o- he was wearing the number three.. Which aligns with sacred portal 93 which is I.C.. And the Beautiful Response of the world to this Consciousness and play.

Thus we have an alignment of 27O representing the begining of the structure and foundation of being and the body, as 27O ( aligning Nikoma and Lord A as N.A) and then fusing at 3O, at 2O6..Meaning completion which I have been proving for 8 years is represented by finding Lord A who was there as Nikoma in the Begining ( the Baby the Cjild the BC- Being Consciousness. and in the End with E represented by myself…The Being of Consciousnes Complete.

2O 12…32.. Consciousness Being ( c.b) which completes at 3+2=5 which is E.

Thus the three as E.N.A or A.N.E are one..the three in one as Awareness Nature Energy… All are one and Nature is Awareness (True Nature which is C.D in Balance and thus 7 which is 8 78 (7+8=15=O) The Full Circle, which is Perfection and the true meaning of Gode.. with is GH ODE…

A ode in Clarity of the highest Vibration to Existence… not to the idea of one self but the truth of all.. including ones self.

26 as David Philipe Gil which is simply a consciousness is that which this play has established is that which brings the end of all Existence for that which is the knows the truth must sustain the truth and if the Intelligence of Man as Civilization and the Creator is naught but a lie because Man had help and support of something outside of himself, called Emekas Natural Awareness.. E.N.A.

Emeka this is the N.A The missing link and to deny him or what he represents or what he has shared and contributed is to deny Existence itself and thus, all are plunged into Non existence.

Where they are allowed to prove in the abyss created for them- the vacum of nothingness where he emerged from as the Truth just how it is that they did it all on their own and thus are not beholden to gibe praise appreciation and respect.


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