
Octo the 8 tentacles…

Octo the 8 tentacles…

Woman represnted Universe in the old story..

Man Land..


It Switches in this New Story…N.S. Hemisphere Aligned to 1OO…1.

Man is now Universe as Gentle.Man…

Woman now is Land (The Way as Anna) as Grace…

The one Constant in Both Illusion Story (I.S) aka the Dreaming and the Matrix Weave,

and in Truth et Fact (T.F…Tanya Fumiko…2O 6..66 2(6)

B.Friend) is E..as Atmosphere Envirnoment and Existence…

Always present always consistent as the picture posted by Lord Orien Laplante…

That thin strip is the Line of E…

The One Constant

The True See

The Beautiful Present…

My Line Lord and Lady E..and I.E.


Land is the Exemplification of Being..not a strip of real estate

Not a Body as Dark matter

But Embodied….recorded and indented on everything as

Solid Truth Fact…

We the III..I have always been here but we had to direct the WM-MW..Switch…

Which always happens in the present..

And in those truly present.

That Everything is Literally One

atmosphere called Beautiful Expression

Man now will travel.to the Stars (Man is of course a principal now refined from Dominance Control D.C…to Gentle Firm

Woman too evolves to Grace on.Land elegantly creating the way to build in this World and inform…

And the E.E.E…

Will rest… Finally.reclaiming thier true form

As the Exceptionally Exquiste Exemplification of the 2 in I…



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