
NZ 67 67 46 B

NZ 67 67 46 B

Yes, My British Social Security Number is a Code.

And it linked from England to America.. E.A.. 51.. Area 51 of the Universal Matrix..

Thus, here is corrects to

B 64 76 76 ZN…

Drew Reyn D.R sent me his video where there are 80 views and 14 likes..

14 is N.

Brenda is here when I arrived with Ms Lilian code 56 and 74…

Erek Eclass Mateo was born 76… He is Me.

Emeka Kolo M.E born in 67.. which is my correct year of birth and the date I entered the Shelter System… because I knew.

I Arose in Existence as 66…6/6…1… 12..3…C…66..36..9…360 As O.. A.H.O..O.H.A… OH..AH… Ejaculation Orgasm Ecstasy Bliss..

E.O. E.B…

Sacred Portal 29… Vahalla… The Vikings Paradise…Transporting Weary Warriors from the Battle Ground of Lies to the realm of Bliss.

*On the evening of February 3, 2015, a commuter train on Metro-North Railroad’s Harlem Line struck a passenger car at a grade crossing near Valhalla, New York, United States, between the Valhalla and Mount Pleasant stations, killing six people and injuring fifteen others, including seven in very serious condition. The crash was the deadliest in Metro-North’s history, as well as the deadliest such crash in the United States since the June 2009 Washington Metro train collision, which killed eight passengers and injured eighty.

It was recently on the news, the accident which was such a mystery when 49 years Ellen Brody’s car jumped forward and was rammed by the Train which killed 5 people because of the 3 Wire ( Which they recently discovered)

Ellen Brody 49 years old.

E.B…Bed 49 B.R.C.. That is the Bed number I was assigned when I entered the System with my correct age.

( I have since jumped to age 1968 and 1969.. David and Nnamdi.. ose A RoqueJAnd to 1970 Marina Burini and 1971 Jon Jason Lee. Lisa Natalie Johnson

to 1973 Michael OBumneme, to 1974.. Edwin Albert Rodriguez Santana, 1975, 1976… and to 77 78 79 80, Joseph Carey 81 82,Fritz Venneiq, 83 Erik Ebright, 84, (Myself with Billy Hung and Rav Singh.. B.R..W.R…R.A.W../ WAR…) 85, 86 87..88…89…90…91 Sean and Reginald 26. 1992 Yonathan Yohannes and Georges-Philippe Roc- Paris Stephan Manu, 1993.. 1994..Robert Vlaun Freedom Song Paris Ekayani ( Eric Chamberlain E.C.. 5 3)…

Bed 53 Keith Grant/ Kevin G Gordon, Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon Julyy 28th, Kristen Green, Elizabeth Clarizio..1995, S.I.E 1996, Dark Matter, 1997, Istanbul Cover of Huriieyette Aisha Arman A-A, 1998, Ivette Hernandez 1999, Emeka and Jon Jason Lee Arrival in New York shooting my Short Film The Ethnic Odyssey T.E.O.. TEO At the Shelter, 2000, The 17 year olds here Leo Peter…)

1964 Jon Delguidice 1965 My Sister line Gay-Marie Bradshaw, Erika rep twin line of Erek Eclass Mateo born 63.. 1962 Julie Azuka Umeano and Chidi Umeano sent by Lota George Odabi, and the line of 66 which was most of my graduating class 65-66 From High School…to Brenda 1961… To 1960, 1959, 58 Donna O Sullivan 1957, I was sitting beside bed 5-013 Who is 60 years old last night, 1956 my aunt Caroline Uncle Charles…right to 1947 Larry Sax to 1944 Richard, to 1943 Ms Lilian…

As you can see from all these portals I passed through Above and Below, and within, as in Physical Form, through Face Book and through the Realm of the Dead Memory and Spirit

S.M Shqiponja Mesareja… Steven Morris bed 4-003.. Yes Delta Manor is the Spirit World, the Dead and Buried, many of them by their families and friends forgotten them, and many of them having forgotten themselves.

Obviously it is Time Machine..Time Travel…

And the Orb…

Larry spoke about this yesterday, commenting as he left, first to Rahul I leave you to you completion of your code of Love'( he has a girlfriend whom I said to him was more important that finding a Job because wealth is cultivated first by understanding Love which connects you to your Truth…

And then Larry turned to me. And I leave you to the Activation of the Universe.. I had never told him anything about to give him that idea, but then I was not surprised at all..

The Code is 76.. Erek Eclass Mateo which is really me as I.B.M E…E..Linked to Through Brenda, and then even to her a White woman who came in yesterday who is an Acquaintance of Brenda, who has a laugh startling like her and the same energy. Then to her 8 year Grand Niece who came in with her yesterday, who I just gaped at.. It was Brenda, her name is Milan. This was then linked the Dee ( Yes my Telephone number link Dewight Smith Dee..and to my First Cousin Ndidi Amaka.. born 1972 who is my Aunt Iesha -Theresa;s daughter born 1972 who came with my brother Oboom to see me in Kew Garden but whom I had to turn back without seeing them.

Ndidi Amaka means Patience is Beautiful’ 72 is the what the thermostat I sleep under in the Room is placed at 72 degres,

See sacred portal 72.. Release from the Womb of the Spider Woman Weaver in Opiates.. Drug Addicted Woman when they were pregnant…Meant to be the Room Womb of Delirium with Bliss.) Dee Daughter is 8 and born July 28th the same day as my sister who is to be 53 Code age 52 is the correct eq

This links to my First Cousin F.C.. 63.. Odera Adama.. O.A Who was my Face Book friend for a while.. All of my First cousin First Daughters as my Great Grandmother, Grandmother, Mother Sisters.. Only Odera is born 1987 is not the first born. Her brother comes before here as well as my uncle Peter and Uncle Charles Daughters who born second.

Why that is relevant is because in the Male line of my bio family on my mothers side the equation of the first born being Female is corrected to the First Born being Male as it literally was and is.

And thus, Odera Adama, Nneka and Ifunnaya… O.A-E N.I.. See that equation of the First Born being the Daughter which was prevailent in both sides of my family tree, finally corrected.

And that war of Supremacy Lilith Adam.. Eve Samuel…

Their names means Mother is Supreme and, It is written and when it is written the First Daughter knows and recognizes beauty Omega Alpha of the resurrection Love.. I See You with my Eyes.. 3rd Eye. They were born 1976, 1987 and 1994 (last one I must check)…

But obviously, the 76 as Nneka Mother Supreme is actually Male and not a Woman…

The code of Milan and Dee Daughter who turns 8 tomorrow is

age code 88.. And Initials M.B…

Recall my meeting Brenda and Mateo… I.B.M..E..E..

Lisa and Mateo.. L.M..M.L.. See the 5 dollar Bills.. Marked 23 and Unmarked which Lisa Natalie Johnson E-Spirit sent me the test of 3 One Dollar Bills… And I spent two arbituarily and was left I with the correct code.

And then yesterday her gift of 6 usd… 3 6..

Brenda’s mother is 88.

And See sacred Portal 88, which I stated is me, as my Great Grandmother Mba Afo Ocha… The White Noise of Sound of The Light of Truth..

Elena Brody… age 49..

Flor Elena is really Shqiponja Mesareja.. S.M…

She was used ( without realizing it) to torture me, she and her line.. Steven Morris bed 4-003, taking over my bed covering my Portal to Door of Life not just so I could not live a life here but also veiling ( they thought) my Portal out of this Play through the physical world of Nature.. The Womb.

Woman claiming to be Supreme Life because of the Womb.

The Truth Womb is the R.OOM.. Space the World space to Exist which I have proven despite all the evil cruelty done to me that I am supreme, by breaking the codes and solving the riddles of this reality.

And not only defeating my sister who was used to defeat me which she refused to take part in such a stupid competition.

You do not have to prove anything to me..

But I did to the Coven she was the chosen champion of.. Wonder Woman.. Lisa Natalie Johnson.. We are Equal..

She said yesterday… Yes we are but also we are not for you must be able to do what I have done.

And None can… I understood that it was all a play and Lisa Natalie Johnson was saying her lines in a play which she had no choice really since she chose not to read the script ( which is what my sister chose not to do – a smart move)…

Brenda challenged me yesterday about Lisa and I won proving Lisa Natalie Johnson harmony and Brenda realizing just how much she loves Lisa Natalie Johnson and how hurt she is by the play of her being used which she could not accept.

I saw and read the story of my own grandmother and her love for my mother and her sister grandchild Nonyem my Aunt not really my sister which I always knew.

My sister left my Bio sister body in 1972.

I when he moved from England to Canada… E.C..

Other Side of the Mirror Pond.. Time…

Robert is sitting opposite me.. He like Brenda represents Truth…

I defeated Truth yesterday as Brenda by using the power of Beautiful Truth which made Brenda ( my Grandmother Mama Dawn M,D Who is was really representing me,) realize that she had let Anger cloud her judgment and had been willing to defy me…

But I know that there is no one, who knows who I really am. My I.D has still been veiled and those who suspect soon forget.

They made me the Invisible Man.. book by Ralph Ellison R.E

Robert is sitting in front of me, he is Truth but he is moved by the Beautiful Truth.. Which is why his Harmony always links him to meeting me when noone else is here.. When others have gone, the only one closest to his harmony is Ms Brenda…

But he is the closest to my harmony as the Quantum Wave always finds him sitting opposite me.

E.R… R.E… H E R E …

That is how I know that my Family of Famed Bright Shinning Light know I am here.

Robert represents the Brain… Brain Mind… I.B.M..E.

He is Computer as the Earth.. Not Female.. Male who Loves his Mother Beautiful and was hurt so deeply when she recently passed.

Darn it.. !

I did not wish to write a post like this today..

Nor Link…

And rescue all aspets of my Sister..

Kelvin was a face book friend.. Recall..

That is the name of Lisa Natalie Johnson’s Beau.. 54..

I am 54…E.D..I… / I.D.E..

Kelvin is the measure of Temperature..

72 Degrees…I Said 96 Degrees in the shade..

96 Dark Matter… Delta Manor… Add 4…

69 Nnamdi… I am not in Womans Womb as the Great Spider Woman.. She does notExist.. Her Name is Wonder Woman.. WW.. W=23… 23 23.. 46…. Lisa Natalie Johnson..

46 comes from me.. See sacred portal 46..First Drop, Fifth Dimension. F.,D.. 6 4..

NZ 67 67 ( Above and Below A.B. B.A) 46 B…

B 64.. 76 76…Z N… See sacred Portal 64..

My sisters illusion d,o.b is 64.. Usurping me and my role….

The Challenge…

Odera has an older brother Tochukwu Charles.. T.C.

I visted them 3 times, and bonded so deeply with the three of them that their mother did everything to sever the coonection


See sacred Portal 64… Sensie of the Sexual Kundalin…

Made Celibate for 17 years but through a test of non stop stimulation and Abuse and rape by the Spirit World and the Dead..


67/76…How far will you go for Love-Truth.. .True Love T.L/ 2012.. 32…5.. E… To reach Erek Eclass Mateo code as me..

E.E..M.. Erek.. E.R.E.K… Mateo… M. AT E.O.

Erica Ekayani Chamberlain… E.R..I.C.A..E… E.K.A..Yani..Chamber Lain… Judges Chambers John Delguidce Judges Chambers and Judges Bench.. Lain means Wool Wool of the Lamb..

Wool of the Weaver… Garment…

I am not in a Womans Womb..

I am in the stick Web of my Two Fathers Balls and One Scrotal Sac Bag…Spider Man and Bat Man..

Waiting for them to Ejaculate and Release me,

As I had released them in the Eternal Beginning creating Time..

O.H.. AH… To Come… E.T.C… I.E..

But they have held back their Orgasm..

Tantric Yoga..

Iron Man..

Tony Stark.. That is the Literal name of of the new member of the Room 4A.. Replacing the only White person ib the room bed 4-009.. 49…

Erec in my Revealtions document also is called ;Iron Erec Iron John.. Fer Erik…

Yes no one knows who I am.. because I have been stuck at 49.. Existensial Death while the Nnamdi David sought to prove to the Ancestors my I.D.. I.S.. Di already is and was,

And it is not Dee Dee.. didi.. meaning Patience…

Enough of this…

Here is the code of the other Train Wreck.. As you can see it is a Code of a meaning on a Model which has meaning aligned to a greater significance that this reality…

Red is the First Color.

Crossing Guard… Brenda.. Bridge.. Forgetting to Build Bridges.. It requires Communication Verbalizing Expressing..

See play of Eternal Beginning when younger Twin the Reflection did not speak up…

And see the play at Delta Manor..

Before Robert sat diown there was a beautiful looking man who looks like an Elf, hemust be in his 50 or 50’s but looks still like a boy.. He was I noticed is Mute..

I had observed him for a while…

Today he sat very near me. in Light Blue…

But he uses Signs.. Sign Language and is very Expressive using his whole body…Face but quietly like a dance..

Robert then replaced him… Robert is very quiet but knows how to speak.. He is wearing Black…

During the afternoon rush hour of June 22, 2009, a subway train-on-train collision occurred between two southbound Red Line Washington Metro trains in Northeast, Washington, D.C., United States. A moving train collided with a train stopped ahead of it; the train operator along with eight passengers were killed, and 80 people were injured, making it the deadliest crash in the history of the Washington Metro.

So 6-22 is that not the date that I wrote A Pause to Take Stock in 1992 Paris in a Cafe called the World Cafe owned by Gerald who owned an Island, and was a friend of Ekayani and employed only Exotic Women in the Cafe from all over the World..

Sacred Portal 15..Jolly Green Giant

Yonathan Yohaness was born 6-22-92…

Georges-Philippe Roc was born 21-5-92..

In Paris the person who wished to Edit me Journals Susan Train of Vogue Conde Nast… Susan.. Train… SUSA..N. S- U.S.A..N..Train…

Nicolas of bed 4-008 linked with Tony Stark of bed 4-009.

i watched the play as the Architect God made sure that I could not miss it… 48 49… 44 89… My bed is 4-004.. Room 4.. David Dawn Denis, David… 5:06 p,m

Their Word has no worth or value to me….

They went too far.. Code Erek Mateo 76 I reached in 2002.

Code Erica Chamberlain I met in 1992 Paris and She was born 1963… And I lived with her 1993/4-5/6…

The Code was complete in 2002.. And then 1-7 by 2009..

8 Years ago… See the children Milan and Brie.. M.B.. Both Girls which my Energy was used to create.. See sacred Portal 80..

See Code of Drew Reyn.. 14 likes and 80…

E.E…55..The Past… 76 63…is code of the Awakening E and First Contact.. with the Beautiful Ones.. Line of E.. E Family.. not by Blood.. E.F.. 56.. But by Energy Expression..

So all the Blood ties they used to bind me and the play they created is Null and Void and only the Avtars used who touched me heart… 5:19 p.m will have bliss of returning home.

I said No…

And I destroy all they did with Evil and send it to the Abyss of True Hell Fire of the Blue Flame and they will endure that which they gave me and the True E and for keeping us all waiting…

I carry no one on my back.. and you can not Cheat Life Or Death.

LO.D… / D.O.L.. Door of Life… E.. Sacred Portal 43…

Begone… Liars…

5:23 p.m.

E.W… Do not exist… E Woman

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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