Now at 160 F.B friends… A..F.O.. Meaning the Truth in Nri Igbo
Feels like a count down…
or a Star ship in which as people drop off at their preordained stops- preordained because can see that each added friend which began almost two years ago when I had less than fifty friends, and over the course of the weaving, over a hundred requests- each name linking the meaning to their names formed an equation on the what I called an Energetic Star ship Enterprise Awakening, which reached the 164 about May last year when I revealed that we were passing through the holy of holies and that the play was complete.
May 2012…but to my surprise the play continued with more F.B friends arriving which I could not ignore, and thus, meant the play was continuing much to my surprise.
Most are aware that from beginning to end, that I have not been in control of this play on Face Book. I was only its translators, scribe who had trained since I was 8 in a role already foreseen by others for me since I was eight years old and which I fought tooth and nail to refuse to succumb to because I do not ascribe to Destiny… But only to destination.
But only gave in to the play when I arrived in New York bound, gagged and forced on a road path because of what had happened to my body was so unbelievable, (and astounding to me as a scientist), because it forcefully put me on this path, which I later recognized to my astonishment was the path I had been told and I knew even as far back as a child of eight was Written.
A purpose, and it excited me as a social and physical scientists, and artist, because it mean that there was a will and force of Harmony which existed and that was intelligent and had physically taken over my body and my very consciousness ( with A lien consciousness rising up within me) to dictate to me what they wished me to do…
And worst of all it all made sense, because I rememebered.
But my battle and illusion of duality, was even though AI recognized all this through memory… and knew it was real. Now it was being made a fact by my empiricial experience while living in this dimension of consciousness. Which forced me to literally break down how this was possible seen through the eyes of one who lived in this dimension as opposed to the dimension I knew as real and true, but which I kept secret until I came to New York…
Of course I saw the set up, I had to bridge my inner world.. AFA 161 F.b with my outter world… But the enormity of the task was just too much for my mind to rationalize, and was the very reason I spent my life running from place to place, to escape this foreboding of a prophecy and destiny. Which I sought to deny in order to live here now..
Until I realized here and now was not even real.
So, yes I was fascinated by what was happening to me as a scientist bu as an artist I was horrified… Only music and song and a story could save my mind from the disbelief of what was happening to me… and of course my memory of it all being real and true. Because I never forgot the truth of where I came from the mission… But it was that it was Real even in this realm was what astounded me, that it had a power outside of me even here astounded me. I do not know why, but it did.
And then the demand of my outter world to male my inner truth a fact was what was asked of me in return…
Which I have done by going to places I would have never imagined I would have the balls to publicly or privately go…
But it is funny how truth isolates one in this dimension of consciousness yet at the same time protects you and empowers you…
I was not surprised that I moved from 161 to 160 Face book friends.
Two days before I had received messages of 160… and one of them was on a box. B. O .X…
X is 24… Feb 4 is also 2 4 2014…
Then I found myself writing that code yesterday from the Apple store in Soho on F.B.
As one might surmise, I am daily being forced to prove and link everything stimuli, within and outside of me by linking it to meaning and reason.
Yesterdays code was my Hosts telling me that he belived that at the end of the world that he believed that even the Devil will be forgiven…
In my realm of consciousness there is no duality and no such thing as evil, all words come into being and existence because they serve a purpose in the play and thus, at the end of the play each word and function has to be transformed back into into original intention and vibration.
The Devil, Satan, Ekwe Nsu, Nsu KKA, Loki, Diablo… all served a function and I realized that my host was unconsciously giving me my last riddle to solve.
I had finished with all the Angle codes, the Arch Angels codes, Bable, Ba aL as Pan, Pan door a, Lucy fer and Lucifer ( Jesus Lucifer Lu KE, Rob Barr Testifying to meeting me 12 years ago, 12= L.. lu ci fer…Yeshua Christ… etc…)
But I had to solve the one last riddle- for that is what I found myself doing for years. Solving peoples riddles in which they were bound but which I acting as a lawyer could see through the play of their being and in perfect timing of the play prove the innocence of all my family who came down into this consciousness and dimension to play the worse characters created by human imaginations creation stories by proving that my family did not turn into those illusions but retained the true meaning of each character in order to enact the true meaning of each role as prescribed by the beautiful play…
The last being the Devil, or Pan vue..Uniting the 4% with the 96%… to create 100%…Full Circle, which frees me and allows me to go home.
The De Vil… Lived is really the past. He is the illusion story of Jesus Christs as a lie story version, who comes to die for humanities sins.
This of course was not true, Christ came to show humanity how to cross over to the sunnier side of life.
But the Devil being the ancestor of Panic… making a mistake which caused humans animal consciousness to go into fear, in the very beginning by playing a prank on them… Which caused a Great Misunderstanding, understood the nature of humanities fear…
That he had caused it by creating an illusion to test them and for I fun nnanya.. mischief and fun.
But it had unforeseen consquences.. And thus, he came down again and again on the side of the ones who felt they were born in sin.. not sine of the flute sound of music of the wild animal fun nature of the beasts of prey..Who were really the sensies sent to train man…and help him evolve but which man became afraid of and in their fear, which they began to spread and create stories, illusions, myths… Just as Pan had been the source by not being Pan View but pan vue (Pan Saw) and played a prank on the first Community of men… De Vil la ge..The first Village… who became scared of the dark because of Pan… Therefore spreading and infecting the world with fear….
And at the same time making them move from their true natures to become illusions of themselves out of fear… Bringing Death to the world, not as Transformation but as eternal night… The end.
Pan did not at first realize that he had inadverntly brought death to the world, fear, Panic and a fear of Life.
Nor did Pan take responsibility at first because he felt his intentions were fun. But he began to see the horror his Gest had wrought on the world, he himself not realizing that he too had been used as a pawn to not only test humanity to conquer fear but also for him to evolve to understand balance.
And so Pan was Father who was undercover, who had to learn his own lesson. And decided to take on the sins of man and be crucified and accept it from the people who blamed the Devil for all their woes.
De Vil is 45..Vil… and also backwards… Lived… Meaning the past, the ancestors… Thus, the ancestors are also the devil, the dead the memories of imposing their will, their way, traditionalists whose memories haunted the living, and whose ways were so set, that it was halting progress and evolution because they would not adapt to change out of fear of the unknown… The darkness, they remembering their fear and the way they had survived and created stories to placate the lie of an illusion which was a joke which caused fear.
All because of their first ancestor part man part goat, playing a joke which created fear and panic because he did not take into consideration the new born children, Because he saw only through his point of view, which disregarded the point of view and feelings of all.. Which created selfishness, and injustice and eventually Pan Door A Box, which my sister Harmony opened and was blamed for. When in truth it was Pan secret that he was the cause of Chaos… And thus, instead of revealing what he had done. He did his secret in a Box.. 4% Davy Jones Locker.. and hid it at the bottom of the sea so no one would know… And he became the God Jah of Order, trying to set things right, being the father who sacrifices himself. Being the Judas and the Jesus, both illusion because he did not come out and tell the truth that he was the cause,.
And so he became the masochist and the sadists.
Suffering for humanity and at the same time being so tough on them to bring them back to order from fear…
But only Harmony, not order could restore the species back from the insanity Bell Vue, (Bell Kimberly Bells Syndromn 1992 Dec 25 the year I.E went down to death to find the cause and solution to human fear and illusion).. back to their senses.
Not to through being a Sensie who quietly bears the sins of all but refuses to take responsibility outloud because of pride in his part in creating chaos in the world.
But who acts the hero and takes credit for being a hero a matyr, who denies himself love, who does penance but the one thing he does not do is admit that he caused the pain and suffering in the world.
Burying his secret and his heart in the bottom of the abyss, so none would find out.. Turning him into the liar, that he is the savior and God of all…
And so that was Pans test, the goats and man test, not just for him but for all the human species as flesh… to conquer their fear of losing face, of being held responsible, of needing to be forgiven… But simply clean up their mess and say what you did … Admit and then atone or make amends… Not atone… in your own way, and never admit…
And thus through arrogance attaining the priveldge now undeserved of still playing God..
The Play was meant to gave ended in May 2012 but then ended instead at Perry Evans at 163… Because I see now Pan the Devil was afraid, and did not wish to admit what he had caused, Defending his secret to the bitter end until…He was presented with the Evidence that we already knew and saw what he bore for all of humanity because he became the father of Sin without being guilty but became guilty because he would not come clean. Taking responsibility is admitting what you did and allowing those around you to decide.. Not you deciding yourself how you would make amends… That is arrogance and conceit beyond belief…
And all men and women had to pass this test of Pan not created by Pan but enacted by him and all of his kind.
In OINRI Igbo this means Truth… the sacred Staff of Truth at which all Creation and Existence comes to back up this person… For they were all witnessed to this Truth.
And thus, one may stand alone before 8 billion people an army, but one who stands with the A.F.O… Is invincible because all Existence and Creation Stand behind such a being and respond and protect this their one symbol being of truth.
1 6 O… P.O…. Post… POSTING… Post Office.
O F.A….The Source of the 4%
O.P.. Nsukka, where I was sent by magic into a secret world answering the summons of the people of Nsukka… Where my Mothers Family settled after the Biafran.. Nigerian Civil War and the Place my bio Father came to live and become a Lecturer in the University of Nsukka…
A place of the oldest past and the place I saw my lady… the woman I knew I would one day Marie…The female Panther… my twin… she was by a Water Fall…La Reign Existence… R.E… My Queen.
Original Facebook Post: Click Here