
Now Align this Face to Kim- Tr

Now Align this Face to Kim- Tr

Now Align this Face to Kim- Tree Sage post.

5:19 pm.

And recall that yesterday I ended at 15 42 Facebook Friends which completed at Barbara Weeden as my 15 43 Facebook Friends which reads “One Full Circle “Confirmed by Kamora Herrington’s ecpression of the Full Circle in the correct Language and Vibration yesterday when we got back, and it being the only thing Kim heard was when she said after code “Cool” which Kim- Tree Sage later told me was the only thing he overheard because he was in had just come back and was in his room.

Then connect that to the Book the last Volume of my Journals Circle without End- because it is Complete.

And that everyone and everything unseen by E and Nnamdi- Naturally – such as I have only heard our neighbors downstairs and across the streets but I have never seen or met them.
While I have met our neighbor upstairs- Douglas, we met at the back door after the Esteban Play.

Douglas- Adams.

Thus everyone not in the True Circle was cut out yesterday ( at long,long last) and that the full Circle of all that is real and set to evolve has been attained.

This morning I received from Alicia Norris the confirmation of the Barbara Weeden play as WEED; Cannabus sacred portal 34 * which is the code Kim-Tree Sage sent me instead of 35 aligned to the time which manifested when he posted it.
35 is C E.
Chukwu Emeka.

Chukwu in OINri Igbo means “Supreme Being’

“Ikemefuna”my middle names means “Supreme Will I Am”.

My other Middle name is Victor. Ref Victor Manu V M.
And MV 18 Mountain View.

Ref the Blue Eyes. B E.


I am William Sullivan 2 87 Fae book Friend and he has a code on his page … 87 51.


VICTOR = 87.

V I. C.T. O R.

V I is aligned to 22 9/ 9 22 Jesse Macias Orejula and to Royal Mayan Rodriguez Sanatana both born on that date.

Chris Filgueira was born on that date- 12-14-87.
Code 3rd Floor.

Tree Sage my code T R. 20 18 55 E E. S A-G.E/ E G A S is aso me born 11-04=87 played by Kim A Hines.

1987 I was going out with Adola Mary Jane. “A M -J” and met Prince Chidi Ejikeme, P C E who was the spitting image of the singer PRINCE. DOB ” 6-7-19 58″
I Connect.

I Cut.

5:41 pm.
5:42 pm.

Those connected with the Lie Story.

I am obviously the rep of the 87.

See sacred Portal 87.

Kim Arthur Hines was used to make a Carbon Copy.. of the Original Story- Witness.

5:43 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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