
Notice the number here on this definition of Cain… Cain Eden… C.E..

Notice the number here on this definition of Cain… Cain Eden… C.E..

is 57… The same time which Jace Horsford called me to change the time to 11…

*His Birthday is 4-11…. 15… 44… Jacquii Quanma’e Lewis is in bed 4-004.. 44…

And thus, does link with Jace but as his Beautiful Past… J K H…

Just as he linked to Robert Karl Murphy…

J J… K K… but the 8… H…can only be manifested by the Source of the Music/ C I SUM..

E… / E MUSIC… C I SUM… ( Not C IS UM… Delta MU Delta)…

57 was what was on my World Icon.. Jace was a no show until Around 11:43… I checked at 11:48 after he had arrived…

I was just stunned…

And yet he was in Harmony and I listened to him speak about God Father, who just as Robert Karl Murphy.. he could hear him speaking clearly because Nnamdi was two persons at the same time…One from North Carolina and the Other thru Robert was from South Carolina.. But All lived in South Carolina… the 8th State.

That aspect of Nnamdi as rep by Jaqcuii could hear and understand the MUSIC.. But they could not explain it…

Thus both of them were directed and referred to me…

I was in Alpha Fraternity… Alpha Delta…

Anyway… sigh… 57 is a code of the planet.. 5 Oceans Seven/ Six Continents…

The World Map…

The Earth…


Cain is the first born… I was accused of in a subtle way of killing my brother Nnamdi…

And my last brother is the only one of us who has children…

I was aware that in this Story that I was living the curse of Cain created once more the intentional Distortion of the Genesis Story of Creation.. ( GEN ES..IS… Gen in French the correct code language means People… As does Tamika… Tamika Rivera.. T R.. 20 18,… This Year… 20 T as in Truth… 18.. as in my bed number….ES.. Is the original bed number I was assigned here- which reflected the Intent of the thought of the Spirit Realm.. which is a higher realm than the physical which of course is a lie… just as Spirit realm with E is also a Lie.. or the Truth which becomes the Lie… IS.. I Supreme/ S.I… Staten Island.. See that play where I was during 9 11… I.K. 9 am 11 a.m.

I already knew that I was carrying that silly stories curse which was accessed to my being through the idea of the Igbo people OINRI being of the Lost Tribe of Israel… ( actually Israelites are the Lost and Found Tribe of the OINRI H EB.. R UE… Ppl.. Hebrew… but enough riddles)…

Here is the codes corrected through the meaning of the names…

A E… 1 5… 6 Alpha Omega…They are One… MW69..

Cain Able.. C A…3 1… 4… A Story at 4… Box Book Delta…

I was in Alpha Fraternity…

Seth…S.E.. T H ..E… Spirit Existence ( E S.. Bed 5-019.. 5.19… 24…. X… The Original Jace… and One Day…. 6…. ) Thantos Hypnos… Erebus…

S=19… 10.. T E N…. 1 O… Alpha Omega…

Seth McBean I met at the Bean Cafe…

Bean who is here with me at the Shelter who now directs the T V…

6 4…1 O…

64 is Alpha Omega…

6 F.. 4… D… Fifth Dimension is Alpha Omega…

Jace code phone number 19 17. 5 64… my other phone 569 64 55…

S Q…Supreme Quntum/ Quanma’e… E… 64…FD..

1 917…A I.Q… S.Q.. E is 69.. MW69… Fifth Dimension Energy Expression…

The True Conversation between Energy Existence and AH-TOM.. 1 8 The Twins…

J.J… Jace Jacqui… J J .. 10 10…

Kasien is Jace middle name.. link Kasien Thompson 11-29-63….

Kasien Karl… K K..11 11…

But the 8… Nnamdi Nnamdi… Rep in Jaces story as Chief A.Olufemi… ( Yoruba name) and in Robert Karl Murphys story as Brennan B Young…

These are the two E E.. And they are both me as Expression… Energy Existence is Expression as I have been made to prove over and over…

Thus, tis not I who am the Cursed one bearing the Mark of the Beast.. the Murder.. who killed my brother because My brother and brothers and even sister are all me…

Rather it it was Jace was used to portray…The ones who had the truth and were arrogant with it and thus they became the source of the Liars… And both of course cancel each other out because there is only one expression which is called Beautiful Expression…

And thus the Curse which I expressed through this Portal of STAR BUCKS 1385 Woods Metropolitan is thus activated… to fact… 5-4- 2018… And completed tomorrow 5-5-2018

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