
New York Times

New York Times

Weekend Arts I

Of the same caption from the New York Times…. N Y T/ T Y N

Weekend Arts.. W A./ A.W.

The Mess That Roared

T.M.T.R… 20 13 20 18.

2013 2018. 33 38

It shows the Musical remake of the 1933 King Kong movie.

It shows actress Christianu Pitts as Ann D-arrow and a 20 foot King Kong in Purple Violet setting.

It is in Purple.. The same color as this image.

But this image from Dana Hawkins shows the the correct image or version of that New York Times.

It is E.T Harmony

Yes Sacred Portal 53… K.G…

Clara Star Child- Harmomy…. Power.

It is Her the Power of Titan King Kong…

T. K K… 20 11 11…


The M.E.S.S. A.G E of The Aegis

A.T H. E. N N.A

Who Roared.

Clean Up Your Mess

Of Ages


Leave My Brother Allonge..

To Rest!

D.M.I C. T P/ 115 A G E.

Anamla Qayin


1 17. 11 7 K.G. 117. 18. 9


7 11.

From Dana Hawkins


4 8.

Beautfully said…

The Silence which became a Sound..

4 8 48

This code has been coming up since yesterday,

It equates to Beautiful Death as Transformation.

Eckart Tolle.


Everything I share from you my face book friends and the general piblic,

none is arbituary, rather it is more like fishining in the Stream of my News Feed- the stream of certain facebooks friends whose post appear the moment I open my page and other times, when I am compelled to scroll down.

But all link to an equation, a stream linking each posts to the next.

It goes back to 2013 and then to 2012 and all the way back to 2008-9 when I i had just 50 Facebook friends, when I anounced I had written the manuscript ‘The Trye Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom

The linking each post, to each event taking place around me, within me, in the enviroment I am in to the face book post, to people…

The whole point I was that one had to link and recognize my own expression which I expressed when I first arrived on Facebook as a Narrative, the Truth which began streaming out of me.

Yes, It was called the war to hold onto the Thread and string og my own narrative streaming from me, make sense of it as it streamed forth through me, and then direct by adding and clarifying it.

Then the second part which began in 2013 was the Echo response coming back through you – the Eternals moving through you,

That is what Stephen Filgueira also signfies, for me, not just meeting some one whom I value, and whom I know I recognize, from his code name but to his Eternal True Nature,- but also like the Scout, the Herald of the arrival of the Family of E.

The crowning of our consciousness now understood and proven present here.

In you all and in this world.

Each expresssion I link and weave, into this literal play of Awareness which I have been in since I came to te United States….of America.

12:33 a.m.

I am sitting here in the T.V Room, I can’t get out of my mind the conversation I had with Stephen Filgueira…

an extraordinary moment… will and self mastery.

And yet, I heard him and this point of view… there was no pause or doubt in me despite my feeling as though I was tested, that the Devil ( not stephen) was provoking me to rage, to action, simply walk away.

But there was never really a possibility of loosing it, of that happening because I could see, I could read and because I saw the truth of my Heart reflected at me, and I.. saw it heard it.

Heard his voice, and not the play…

it is done.

But it is not his play, not yours, not anyones, because I am the only one holding it,holding the Fil- passing through expressions of wrath and rage.

12:42 a.m.

knowing where it actually coming from, not from the moment but a cumulation, an explosion of words.

I felt like I was speaking to a young King who was reminding his revered Teacher, that still it was he the King and I the one given the role of the teacher to play, to accept the role and be it.

I know that was not his intention, he was speaking a frustration which I too felt.

Which reality do I live in and accept.

The two of them are actually one, but how many time can you tell a person that their reality is not real without people…

No, I saw the play in the E consciousness,

I understand the play and that I am alone in seeing what I have been describing and this, it has and was made my responsibility alone.

And now, it is done.

At least the moment I leave here.

But I am still here in the Shelter till monday.

And since, there is nothing to explain any more and though the conversation with Stephen rattled me, i can see him clearly, and this play clearly, and it no longer matters to me, if people can see it because that was never the point.

The point was to link it, weave it, manifest it, despite 18 years of complete isolation and a life time of finding that I had to fight to be myself, then explain myself and the my world, then the way I see link and then defend it as All sort to tear me down…

No one can.

And what I heard from Stephen today was Land Ground…

And what he might or might not have heard was my saying Where?’

I am not living what I lived in Paris and London and New York in particular, being at the mercy of others for a script they do not even remember.

I have been asked to leave so many homes, not because we warred but because I would not let go of the truth, the etrnal truth which manifests in my body.

He was saying something very truth and powerful to me, and his word lacerated me, but I would not war, I am raw, as I know he and all the family in the world are.. Raw, Tired Exhausted with all of this…

All of us have these stories, all of are rising with them, I know the hurt rage which the warriors have fought to not let overwhelm them.

I would not fight now, despite being stunned that I was expected to, part of this script had manifested a scene of which oculd have been the most of explosive response from me… because this had been allowed to go this far that I had to take part in that scene with Stephen.

No one understand what that expression meant to me personally.

What it did to me, to hear that and those words to have two guys yelling on the phone in the middle of the day.. no conflct but a gap, such a huge gap of that which I know should have been expressed but was helf back so that this scene could be played out.

1:04 p.m.

104 Sacred Portal 104. Terrible Death

1;11 a.m.


Yes, after my conversation with Stephen and I held my temper, my fury, not at him but at the scene I was in, the power it took, I saw the numbers begin to apear around me 104 Terrible Death…

I walked over to the computer, with the New York Times article with the King Kong Puppet…

Opened up my computer to see Violet Reign…

1:22 p.m.

I never cared who believed me, though I did mark those who said they knew, swore that I represented the truth they already had in thier private revelations and then betrayed it…

What I cared about was finishing the Equation of Blue and Red…= Purple Reign

Violet Rage…Rains….

1:26 p.m.


For todays scene.. for that…

Ah… too far…

2:43 a m.

My Family arrive Stephen Filgueira heralds through his Being Streaming like Kyle Murphy and Eric James Murphy..

Their arrival

2:45 a.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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