
Nature Evil…

Nature Evil…

The Dream… The Evil Dream of Nature.

Daizy Vivienne code Days Eye Alive.

Code D.E.A

Devil Ekwensu Ag=kalogheli

The Devil is called Ekwensue amongst the Igbo ppl and he is called the green eyes monster, while his son Aka log heli is the Monkey Snake God.

Through this book written by Chikodi Annuobi and the a Vision seen by Erike who recounts this vision to his best friend Okoye the Eze Nri of the 11th century ( E.O.. And in the Book, they two Best Friends are called Twins)- I found myself after the last post being called back to solve and post the last equation and solve the riddle of Jesus Christ, the Devil and Lucifer and its origins and to transform it back into the truth…

In the Book of fiction The Nri Warriors of Peace written by Chikodi Anunobi ( C.A) there is a secret code, which those who have been following this play might be aware lacks the B ( A C)- the B is the Being.

In the work of fiction which the author states that it was the Holy Spirit which guided him, we see that there is truth in that ascertion because all fiction and that which is guided comes from the sub conscious.

But the subconscious, that is not of the true story but of Truth of this first dreaming as Nature Dreaming.

Recall that I am living in Nature and our last play formed the equation E.N.D With Emeka Nikoma and David..

After I once more lefts Al, my former hosts home at 4th street to once more be sent to Pelham Park to live in the forest, which is where the OINRI Igbo people originated from.. The Agu the wilderness which in the very begining of creation I called the potential or consciousness of what many call Mammals..

And spoke of the journey for these being of mammals in human bodies and thier journey to becomes Hue mans and not Humans who represented the illusion of Humanity…

This has also been established as the source of the Hu man race, and not the hue man race as proven that Humans are simply vessels called the illusion of a Body in which the true family of E who are from beyond time and space and nature reside in and who are really controlling humanity just as another consciousness from Beyond controls nature and teh Animal Consciousness ( not mother Nature but Existence).

In the dream which Erike as in AM ERIKE, or A.M ERIKA ( as the Onistha Igbo state.. Erika is Greatnss Expansion in OINRI Igbo and it also means The Eternal Ruler.. which is Harmony infinity)

Erike recounts to Okoye how he saw a man who was fair skinned- Tan, with Nri scarifications like the sun rays that the Igbo worship and his face is as the sun.. In shorthe is the Sun, but who has long hair and European features being whipped beated and tormented by a large crowd.

The crowd are enraged with him, and he is made to carrry a great deep basket f heavy stones on his head.

Erike dreams this dream 12 times before Okoye prompts him to ask the man his name…which Erike finally does.

The man tells his name as SHONWU… SH is code for quiet shhh!! abd code S=19 h=8.. 198.. Onwu in Igbo means Death.

He tells Erike that that he knew a place, a beautiful place where there is no pan of suffering, that this place is the New Nri, ( Yes like America promise) butthat it is a place where everything is Bliss Extase and Harmony and where anything you wish for it manifests beautifully…

I knew as I listened read that it was not the venue I have been calling home butthe Star Ship Enterprise called the Evolution Awakening which I spoke about being the space craft and vessel which my energetic consciousness represents where all the Dreamers of E are dreaming.

Anyway, he tells Erike that he can getthere by himself but that to pass through the gate that everyone must come. And so he led the people who were like grains of sand. But ppl were slow, or complained aboutthe burdens that they were carrying or where going in the wring direction..

So it motivate them, he had told them as in a challenge that he could carry all of their loads and still make greater progress than all of them.

This had enraged the ppl who swore to make it very difficult for him to led them there.. Calling him smart mouth, show off and thathe thought himself better than they were.. They whipped him beat him added to his load and called him terrible names as the tears fell from his eyes and he continued to move forwards…

Erike was so hurt and outraged by what the world had done to an innocent man that he called out to the ppl that they were wicked…. And thus, Erike was told that he too would have to help in carrying this load for Sh..Onwu.. Death..

I knew the riddle, I had lived in on Face Book and I knew that this book written by C.A Who was from Enugwu Ukwu Nri, the same place where my own self as my Great Grandmother Mba Afo Ocha, the femine verions of myself I had met as a boy who had come back into the illusion of the dimenison 4 or the Eke Oye Afor Nkwo market days to understand the other side of Existence.. that which was within and was the force in me which was as a lady warrior queen- my subconsciousness not allowing me to fully manifest as myself Masculine Feminine because she had been contained as a woman Eve and not my truth E.VE…

It was S he who had brought me through this great trial to correct the Creation story which made he Body believe that it was the first born and notthe Being which is called Creation.

Nature had taken over Naturalness and refused to give back the World and and Humanity who were all stuck in the coffins called their bodies until I could solve the riddles of Existence and thus bring forth the awakening from a bad dream of Evil spirits and where Nature as a consciousness- the Animal Consciousness which had held onto humanity who were meant to move from Naturalness as Beauty to the E.. The Beautiful Ones E… CONTD

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