
My Name is Kolo…. not Colo,,

My Name is Kolo…. not Colo,,

Today is Colo the Gorilla’s Birthday.. 58… Code 58..

Date 5-24-9…E..X..I…E 11…E.K…


E Kolo.. X Factor,

Melissa Aldana recently witnessed that X factor rise in me…

Her expression…They…It Beautiful..’

and believe me.. The presences in me, aggravating as it is not to have full control of my own vessel… They, It these Energies are astoundingly beautiful…

Beautiful enough that people have allowed me into their homes and pass through their portals for a recording breaking 52 times in the last 15, years…

Emeka the Vessel doing all the grunt work… Well.. it has been so long that I have allowed to be myself.. my true self.. It has become the most quiet and refined longing of my Hearts greatest desire… Even more than physically going home.. or to the 5th Dimension manifested like an energetic cloak here, which would transform this world in the blink of an eye..

(Consider yourself literally without memory… A reminder in Alzheimer’s condition.. and the difference when you get your memory back…

That is the true state of the Awakening…Memory comes flooding back and with memory comes all the plans, super powers, idea, where friend and family are, what death is.. Everything comes flooding back…. It amazing…Unbelievable…Beautiful..

And to have been fully Awake, then asked to go back down into forgetfullness while knowing that nothing can take away Your Memory of what you know is truth- being reminded of that Beautiful Truth everywhere, hearing it in snatches of peoples conversations, when they are chill, or even quoting a line from the script you have been reading…As you become aware that this is the mission.. even sabotaged, betrayed…of the way home back to that place called Home..

No longer a memory…. but a Fact…

7:58 p.m

To remember and for 26 years, have no one fully remember but only in moments… which slip away like mental patients in a mental hospital called the World, who remember snatches of a song.. Which they think is a dream

8:00 p.m.

But which is the literal way home to that place, that state of Being and completeness…Being…which you can never forget…

As a persons who says good bye to his family and kin, and set out on a mission meant to take 2-3 years, but which becomes 27 years…

48 years..

What now equates to an Eternity…

How can you ever forget?

Erik’s Father mentioned that Colo- the first Gorila in captivity,

had a similar name to mine.. With a C or with a K? He enquired.

A K… Then he told me about Colo.. which I vaguely remembered…

And he is in Columbus Ohio.. where my Hosts are from…

Most of you will recall why this is so relevant to me..

And the Story of how my Journey began when I left Erik Ebright’s apartment after a conversation

and found myself 61 days in the literal wilderness, passing through the literal simulation of Death..

and finally landing at Generation X Gardens with the Unbelievable experience of a Gorillas Energy and consciousness taking over me.. as in Emeka Move out of the way.. I got this.. What I had no clue at first…

The First thing which had come to my mind- recorded right here in Face Book was Gorilla in the Mist

Which was the exact same thing which Erik said…

I of course could not help but see the connection with Kolo.. represented by Izzi Creo and already identified by Nenad M. Djurdjevic and of course this Gorilla Energy which even Nikoma Rios saw…

I had been taken to Columbus Ohio.. C.O in 1974-75 when I was a Kid..

My Mothers Sister singled me out to go and I recalled what I saw when she took a Shower..

She asked me to stay in the bathroom to keep an eye on me I suppose.. But suddenly when I looked through the reflection in the mirror, she seemed to have wisked me off to the jungles of Africa or perhaps as a Seer, unaware, had traveled to a Lush beautiful Jungle and my aunt was as a Goddess under a waterfall rather than a shower..

And so I said just out of curiosity I would look it up…

On her Birthday.. HER…

58 years old today…

Born in Captivity..

58 is code 5=E, 8=H..

Energy Harmony…

I wonder, the true unexplored ‘Super Powers’ the Guardians of Nature have..

Dolphins have recently been discovered to have the ability to transport images, like T.V.. to each other..

What then could a Beautiful Creature like a Silver Backed Gorilla represent for ‘The God/Goddess consciousness of Nature.. what function unknown to man does it serve…

So impressive that a 1933 film called King Kong is about this race…

58 Today.. of course, I have a lot of answers to give..

but at this point, until all this intel I have submitted as the Absolute Truth…of everything I have relayed here, which has illictted an Echo Affirmation confirmation response.. while still not truly awakening the flicker of interest which becomes the Roaring flames of spreading the news like Wild fire of comprehension…

Or the Evolution Awakening manifest through the Dreaming which it is so slowly moving towards, whose pace and space of 4 years 15 years.. 27 years is just took long a scope of Time for the public to absorb, especially with the literal implication and Dawning when the Truth finally begins to sink in as to what I have been compelled and moved to share at such a cost…

of people just not able to take it in, and the torture of explaining the same thing over and over again..in as many different ways and plays I have been compelled to convey…

Compelled Literal and because this information is significant to every human being alive..

But that it seems will be revealed when it is just to late and everything is finally set to Go!..

7:43 p.m

Like an Electrical Circuit Board…

7:43 p.m

Edit… 8:03 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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